Mod which replaces targets with CEOs plz
Tabletop, DnD, board games, and minecraft. Also Animal Crossing.
3rd International Volunteer Brigade (Hexbear gaming discord)
- No racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, or transphobia. Don't care if it's ironic don't post comments or content like that here.
- Mark spoilers
- No bad mouthing sonic games here :no-copyright:
- No gamers allowed :soviet-huff:
- No squabbling or petty arguments here. Remember to disengage and respect others choice to do so when an argument gets too much
Got this one free somehow or another, and I cannot tell you how entirely satisfying it is to explode a Nazi eyeball from 500m and then repeat that process hundreds of times in ever more baroque fashion. Whom among us has not planted a mine along a patrol route, sprinted to a watchtower, eviscerated the guards, and used the noise of an exploding Nazi jeep filled with roasted kraut to cover a beautifully executed remote orchiectomy on the local command staff?
Like the concept, is the gameplay fun?
I've only played Sniper Elite v2 but that game allowed you to specifically target Nazi testicles and had slow mo X-ray shots of them being shredded by your bullets
It's okay imo. Great if you like stealth/sniper gameplay but it probably won't be the game to get you into it.
I disagree I think it has the best gameplay and diversity of tactics in the series thusfar (I have not played 5) plus there is just something really satisfying about having a friend go in close while you do overwatch and seeing that one pesky guard you aren't sure how to deal with suddenly literally getting both his eyeballs obliterated by your friend perched in a tower 300 meters away.
Yeah its kind of like mgs5 but without vehicles. And you get to join up with based italian partisans and kill Nazis.
My friend and I just ran through the first two missions and had a blast.
Sweet, just downloaded it, I'll try it out
just woke up again you wanna play some coop? That's where it really shines
Whoah you can do co-op? I played through the first 2 missions the last 2 nights on my own and it was fun. I gotta see it I can get a plug-in microphone working and then maybe yeah let's try co-op! This laptop I'm on was manufactured with Windows 11 so I put 10 and Linux on it, but the 11 driver for the built in mic doesn't work on 10 (works on Linux, but the game doesn't)
Yeah full campaign coop
Having major technical difficulties and am very low on spoons rn, I have a couple more ideas but I think I'll have to see about trying to get a working mic setup in a few days not today
just got this game. installing now
oh fuck yeah hit me up if you want to play. Discord is in the sidebar.
The link that says game dev server?
The one that says 3rd International. If you don't get approved right away I will get ya when I get home. I'm having breakfast with my mom
mmmm i might pick this one up