I feel like this is a lot less compelling than it was 30 years ago now that it is extremely clear that international law doesn't mean anything
That's true the whole rules based world order narrative is basically dead now.
Can someone provide an example of something Canada can do that the CIA can't other than like...vote in the UN or something?
The USA uses foreign allied agencies to do off the book work, so it cannot be monitored by FOIA or even congressional oversight stc.
You have an off record conversation with another countries intelligence agency asking them to bug/bribe/detain someone etc.
Or kill someone if it's the ISI in Pakistan or a similar relationship. Then you can say "hey wasn't us"
It's mostly creating an illusion that there is a coalition of free democratic states led by the US. Canada also gets used for doing dirty work now and then like kidnapping Huawei CFO for example.
There are programs like Five Eyes Burgers And Spies where the different intelligence agencies get around "don't spy on your own people" laws by spying on each other & trading notes but I guess the CIA does that already so I dunno
Kkklanada is already part of the amerikkkan empire in all but name. The "culture" (if it can be called that) is basically the same, most media is amerikkkan, most large businesses are owned by Amerikkkans, kkklanada acts in lockstep on the world stage. The only stage left would be directly integration and mask off fascism. The upper class of Canada would be fine of course, the ones who would suffer are the already marginalized & disadvantaged.
Canada is not the US's hat. The US is Canada's pants.