Hi! I just stumbled across this community. I've been journaling about 6 years now I think. I started because I was worried about my memory and thought practicing remembering what I did that day might help, as well as having something to refer back to. So I just started writing down what I had done that day. Initially a few bullet points, then that grew. I write something every day but the only rule is I have to write something, I don't require a certain number of words or to cover anything in particular.
I don't think it's helped my memory (In the end I'm pretty sure I just have ADHD, with plenty of memories but no control over retrieving them). I kept it up anyway, and often refer back to them to see what I was doing on certain days (like the time a speeding ticket arrived in the mail and neither my wife nor I could remember going anywhere near where the camera was - in the end it turned out my mother in law had borrowed the car that day).
When I was starting I put some thought into the medium and decided for searchability I wanted it to be digital, and for longevity I went with plain text files. I have a folder for each year, then name them with the date such as 2025-01-13.txt for today. I feel these are going to be really important to me when I'm older, as important as photos, so I have them stored across a number of free cloud storage providers, that I update every few months (every day to one, the rest in bulk).
I'm not sure what I'm hoping to get out of the community, but I've subscribed anyway and we will see how it goes 🙂