i use graphene os i had to turn on compatibility mode but it works
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Did you need google services?
yes but they are sandboxed.
Damn, I have a user with the grapheneos google services and it doesn't work for me, idk why
long press on the app, go to app info, scroll down to "Exploit Protection Compatibility mode" and turn it on
omg thank u so much
I guess I'm cursed or something because it still didn't work. I got the SMS limit so I'll try again another day. I really don't know what's up with it. Mfing app is more picky than my banking app 🫥
if the app is working and just the login isnt it may be because the amount of people signing up is so high its system is overloaded
One can hope
Seems it was really this problem but there was something funky going on with Android users and it didn't work the first day I turned that option on. Thank you very much!
I use LineageOS and seems to work fine with it
I'm using CalyxOS and it works just fine.
You may need Google Play Services. On LineageOS, you need to install the MindTheGapps package after installing the OS and before you boot into the phone for the first time: https://wiki.lineageos.org/gapps/
If you are waiting on the SMS but can launch XHS, I suspected my custom ROM and rooted phone were causing issues with XHS (and you will get banned if you try making a WeChat account on such a device), too, but I managed to get an SMS the next day but still had to wait for the SMS limit to pass (and it was of course expired by then). That evening, I entered my phone number again, immediately got an SMS, entered the code, and it worked. I do have the Shamiko module installed with Magisk, so maybe that made a difference.