Spent a good chunk of the day applying for roles in different departments. There's 3 I am super keen on, wish me luck.
This community is a place created for the people of Melbourne and Victoria. We are a positive, welcoming and inclusive community. We might not agree about everything, but we always strive to stay civil and respectful.
The focus of our discussions is based around things that affect Victoria, but we are also free to discuss our local perspective on wider issues. Or head to the regular Daily Random Discussion thread to talk about anything.
Ongoing discussions, FAQs & Resources (still under construction)
Adoption Certificate for Nellie, the Daily Thread numbat (with thanks to @Catfish)
I saw this. Thought youse might like it.
In non America/Baku news I'm drunk and have just completed day two in a row of after-work outings. This one was beers and burger, no complaints. Also my probation review went great, was told unless I majorly fuck up/change behaviours I'll pass no worries. One more after-work outting to go tomorrow, actually looking forward to it.
Perfect night to cuddle up with fluffy and a book.
Nice view out there as well
Goodnight all β€οΈ
Was the previous daily deleted by accident?
Edit: Baku's account isn't showing up.
The server returned this error: couldnt_find_person.
Following some research into yesterday's thread, which I still have access to minus Baku's comments which were deleted by their account at around midnight, it appears this is American election related.
I have no issue with free discussion and civil disagreements, I have no intention of over controlling discussion on this forum.
My main concern here is how the history of this groups previous dailies may have been impacted as a result of a user who had been posting the daily and I will need to start considering more appropriate means of posting dailies to avoid this kind of issue going forward.
As some of you may have noticed, I'm not too talkative most days and I mostly just check in at midnight if I am awake to make sure the previous daily ends and the new one begins. I don't have any reports to action, but I will need to have a look at the threads I personally have access to some more. But most importantly I am going to have to consider how to ensure a more consistent daily thread that is less likely to disappear, whether I can return it myself or not, etc.
Additionally, it's about time I start investigating Lemmy's bot mechanics, I was waiting to complete my current personal server migration to a complete hypervisor solution rather than utilising one of my already overworked Raspberry Pi's, I'll have to get on to this matter more quickly.
Edit2: It's starting to look like I will be unable to return the posts that where deleted as a result of Baku's account nuking, I do have personal access to all of them without their comments as it was actioned by me in featuring them, but the posts themselves where of the account that is now no longer available.
This makes it clear that I need to make some changes going forward in how the daily functions.
Hmm thatβs certainly something I didnβt see coming.
Thought the threads would still be here but it looks like they were totally wiped out of existence.
Iβve noticed that the Brisbane mob seem to have a daily bot - maybe if we ask them nicely theyβll share the code?
Iβm going to the museum in a bit. I could do with a nice chill day
How good is this weather? I'll be school shoe shopping today with the kid where she'll complain that they're all ugly and it's hard to choose between ugly and ugly.
cranking open every door and window and embracing the lack of moist
I needed a break from the heat, same as the fluffy ones amongst us lol
Feels weird to suddenly having a day like this.
I was about to go out for a little for some fresh air but I donβt think I will anymore.
Go. We've only got 2 or 3 days before the heat returns so go outside now.
Two years ago, I went to see a psychiatrist for an ADHD assessment. Did some questionnaires, as did my mum, and after a half an hour telehealth consultation, I was told I have ADHD. The report I was given by this psychiatrist was riddled with spelling and grammar mistakes, and claimed things like I have binge eating disorder and insomnia, when I don't have either of those things. The directions for medications were vague, and the GP I went to had trouble following what was written. This GP isn't thorough himself, writing me a mental health care plan with also lots of mistakes, and one that said I was going to see a psychologist because of three types of insomnia that you can't have all at once. But to avoid paying $60 out of pocket to see the more thorough GP up the road, I didn't really have a choice. Besides, that GP said, "Really?!! We would've picked that up when you were younger," when I said I thought I had ADHD.
So today, the GP asked me if I really needed medication. I tell him that's his job to determine, but I have always struggled to stay afloat doing pretty much anything, and it's made my life hell. He then asked me if I wanted to try a different medication, so he can change the permit to allow him to prescribe it. I told him I didn't want to try a long-acting medication again, because I couldn't sleep. He then tells me that he can't change the permit to let me have something else, and the report is shit, and I should see a psychiatrist again.
$900 out of pocket to see the first psychiatrist, probably a couple of hundred to try medication for depression and ADHD, lots of learned helplessness and valuable time lost... and now even more money down the drain. The price gouging is insane, exploiting people who are struggling and in need of answers. I've also heard of people who got a diagnosis, and somehow they've missed bipolar disorder when taking their hx, and oop, they've ended up with stimulant-induced psychosis.
I went to the optometrist last year, who said I have a focusing problem with my eyes. Maybe that's what it's been this whole time.
It just makes me wonder if I should even bother trying meds, or if I should just give up. But I cannot keep maintaining the status quo, or I will be giving up on life.
good deed done for the day. Someone on reddit wanted a postcard from aus so just got that done. Jesus my writing is appalling.
Ahh, companies. All 'fuck you, peasant, eat my arse' until you cancel your account and post on product review then it's all 'we're sorrryyy how can we fix this??'
Pity PR won't let me actually reply with 'eat my arse'
π Sometimes I think I just wait for your comments to brighten my day.
Just realised I'm crushing hard on a regular hookup guy at the moment. It'll sting when things inevitably change and we can't meet anymore. But accepting the happy chemicals and swooning a little in the meantime. π« π₯²
I feel like I owe the DT regs an explanation
I didn't delete my account because of the argument. I was in the wrong, regardless of whether or not I used anything that could be considered a personal attack. I was being an arsehole to Seagoon, and StudChud responded in kind to me
However, I have recently been feeling like a couple of people within the DT have been consistently hostile to me. StudChud in particular has gone off on me numerous times. Sometimes I deserved it, other times I don't think I did. Then 2 other people over the last couple of weeks have really really irritated me. There was one particular interaction I had with somebody that really rubbed me the wrong way, honestly probably irrationally so. I feel like I can usually do okay with shrugging off both outright aggression, and hostility in subtext/random downvotes. But I really just reached the end of my tether and it was beginning to remind me of when I was in resi and was the physical and verbal punching bag for 3 other people. I can't stand that
Regarding purging all of my content, I genuinely am sorry to every single person who has contributed to DTs. I wanted to just delete my comments, but Lemmy only has two options when you want to delete your account: delete your account and every single post, comment, and image you've ever uploaded, or don't delete anything (which I did last time). Lemmy also has a function which really irks me, where if a post is deleted, every single comment becomes inaccessible to non moderators and administrators. I think that's ridiculous and tbh think it provides too much power to people that delete their accounts. I would much rather they became inaccessible without a direct link or going through your comment history, like how it works on reddit
Deleting everything wasn't an attack on the community or a way to try and get attention. Genuinely. I also realize in hindsight sight that I made up a pretty substantial amount of posts on aussie.zone, and with all of those gone, it seems like half the instance is gone
And regarding coming back, I don't think I ever can. Deleting one's account, and particularly purging all the content on it, is probably the most extreme action you can possibly take as a user. If I just delete everything then reappear a week later, it doesn't mean shit and really just seems like a bid for attention. I'm not going to do that. I'll lurk around from another instance, and occasionally if I think I can be uniquely helpful to anybody, I'll drop in and try to help if I can. But my days as a regular are numbered. Kind of a self exile, if you will. Even now I feel like I'm being even shittier by writing this, but I feel like I need to clarify what happened and actively apologize to everybody. I'm deleting my account as soon as this is posted
I also feel the need to say - I probably deserve moderator action, too. I don't think a ban is appropriate since I'm not going to be around so it doesn't really do much, but my comments towards Seagoon in particular were not acceptable, and I deserved to be called out. After I wrote our my long-winded 2c on recent events, I was already about 70% sure I wanted to delete my account. The magpie post was kind of an attempt to reconcile without accepting I was wrong or my opinion was invalid, not implying that anybody else's was. After i got "bruh"d by StudChud, I made my decision I didn't want to stay around, but at the same time, by creating yesterday's DT, I feel like I more or less signed and agreement that I would ensure the DT remain accessible for at least the entire day. So that's why I waited until midnight to delete my account. The last few comments I made were basically a case of "I'm done with the lot of you, anybody who talks to me can go to hell" type lash out. Again, unfounded and not fair
If anybody wants to access the DTs, you have a little while to view them from certain other instances. I believe how it works is posts and comments are purged from the server immediately, but the "notification" if you will, to other servers (who also host copies of all comments/posts) is rate limited and sent one by one. I don't know that for fact though. You can access them through another instance (ie sh.itjust.works, as Brion linked) until the deletions eventually do federate over. I won't be doing anything to speed up the process. I also was previously working on archiving all DTs on to web.archive.org, so have a look there. I didnt do the most recent ones before I left though
And I want to say that I really truly am sorry for all of the chaos, hurt, and drama that I caused. I should have handled things better. @Seagoon_@aussie.zone I don't know if you received my DM or not, and I don't know if DMs disappear on account deletions, but I am really sorry to you especially. I was being an arsehole and extremely inconsiderate. I do truly hope your family and friends in the state are doing okay, and make it through the term safe and aren't denied healthcare or help if they need it
It's OK to discuss difficult issues, even if it gets a little ugly sometimes.
Because that means we are talking which is far better than not talking at all. If we don't talk about difficult issues then how can we learn about each other and the issues.
I missed all the drama but agree with what you say.
What happened anyway?
From what i've pieced, an argument that got out of control because everyone is on absolute defcon 5 due to america going insane.
Which i totally get. I've seen more than a few people being blithe about this at people who live or have experience closer to the edges of society and honestly that's not a kind or smart thing to do.
I thought as much. What is happening in the US should be lesson for people here as to what not to do. Sadly, there are plenty who think that is the right direction to take.
Just yesterday I saw dome dork in a MAGA hat in my neighbourhood. My initial reaction is punch someone line that in the throat (had family that died under Nazi occupation), however the best thing to do is ignore their colours and educate others.
For now at least. I have a feeling that the high ground will not be option much longer. Really hope our leaders and media call this shit out for what it is.
Nah fam, totally throat punch the cunt.
(Not looking forward to this. My in laws are musk worshippers. We could gingerly avoid the subject when he was a kholed idiot talking shit, but since afd and now the salute a line has been crossed)
update: Oh look, suddenly they have some new reviews lavishing adoration on their customer service after I explicitly mentioned how crap it was.
geralt hmm
(I wasn't dwelling, they replied to me with a simpering wank and I wasn't having it so I blasted them again)
Good news is I'm back from the shops with everything we need until next week. Bad news is it took 2 hours. Good news is the dog didn't shit on my carpet while we were gone.
Do you ever come across an object and think "I wonder what that's from"? So you keep it thus occupying both physical space and brain space because you know if you do toss it you'll work out what it's for a week later once the big bins have been emptied. Yeah I hate that.
Tonights' wave:
That almost got my phone heh
I'm going to wait 2 weeks before approaching my manager again about the outcome of the raise discussions.
Have kept applying and have a couple more interviews next week.
Will have to be working outside office hours anyway, and the raise would make it worthwhile, but we'll see.
Fingers crossed.
Can't sleep, don't care. It's cool and the wind sounds cheerful.
little wins
Diet is slowly working. habits are changing. I have to take in some pants that are just too big now.
Getting rid of some "old lady" clothes too and soon will be buying some better more tailored and younger stuff. yay π
I think know what I'm going to use those virtual desktops, or remote spaces for. I've got a couple of projects at work on the go already now, so instead of having a bunch of tabs open across two screens I can separate them out to their own desktops and have everything I need for them there.
That way I won't get lost amongst all the tabs and I can keep focused on one specific task at a time. Let's see if it works
Today was an odd day. I got anxious yesterday which continued to this morning, but I just couldnβt put a finger on it.
At least it wore off as the day went on. (Probably the whole IKEA debacle helped. Funny that.)
Group hug for DDT. π€
I'm feeling a bit better today so I've decided to go in. If that turns out to be a mistake I can always go home again
how is it 7.30, I thought it was nearly 9
so tired, woke up at 1.30 with stabbing migraine
Shit sleep gang yaaaaay
So PSA. If you want to use an IKEA gift card purchased online immediately, you canβt.
What a joke. 48h.
Edit: And ones bought in-store are 24h (as told to me by a staff member).