They are all parties who supported the CPC during the civil war, to various extents, so they were allowed to coexist alongside the CPC afterwards
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My red note friend is part of jiusan society. It is a party for "intellectuals". They advocate for science and technology advancement. They are a small party with only a few hundred thousand members. My friend said they recently raised money for Americans who lost their houses in the fires.
Doesn't the CPC sort of already pursue science and technology advances?
What is the CPS?
A typo cause I have stupid fingers. lol
China National Democratic Construction Association
is this like a builder's guild?
The Revolutionary Committee of the Guomindang were left factions of the GMD that were practically allied but not yet ideologically necessarily to the CPC, after the Chinese civil war between Gongchandang (CPC) led by Mao and the more rightist Guomindang, led by caudillo-esque military dictator Jiang Jieshi