There are 4 dedicated USB-C ports. All of the modules are just USB-C adapters that fit flush with the chassis.
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You need one port to be USB-C for charging.
The other three can be mixed and matched with whatever you like.
Thank you! That's what I suspected from the pictures, but I was able to select 0 USB-C ports with no warning, so I was confused.
If you were particularly insane, you could choose to simply remove one of the modules and raw-dog the mb usb-c when you wished to charge. You can’t “lose” your ability to charge the device.
I don't think that would be insane. If you really need to save money, it's definitely usable. Just out of curiosity, I have tried several different things without any modules: charging, a USB hub like this, and even a USB-C flash drive. The latter might be difficult if you cannot find one that is compact enough, but everything I tried was absolutely doable.
It wouldn't be insane, but it wouldn't be advisable as a long term solution. USB-C charging ports invariably fail, mostly because of mechanical stresses. And when they do, it's much more sensible to replace a 10€ expansion card than the entire mobo (or the entire laptop for the competitors).
Besides, you don't buy a FWL if you're strapped on cash. You buy it as a gamble on the future to reduce your e-waste while keeping relevant. Plus, there are smarter ways to reduce cost, like buying your ram and ssd elsewhere.
Just tangential, since Framework puts an emphasis on repeatability I wonder how easy it is to replace a USB-C port on the motherboard? Something relatively easy to remove and solder a new one on, or are they even directly soldered?
Well, there is.
From the Expansion card selection step:
We suggest ordering 4 or more Expansion Cards, and that at least one is a USB-C Expansion Card for charging the laptop.
For the AMD version, if you're going for an almost all Type A layout or something, it's handy to note that the Type A expansion card have idle power issues in the back ports.