"Attacked". Not "people fighting back", no - "attacked"
World News
I guess Ukraine did end up with a partisan movement, it just happens to be one against the western backed regime.
On Jan. 31, a new conscript being transported to a training center called an acquaintance to help him escape, according to law enforcement officials. When the bus stopped at a gas station, the acquaintance arrived and allegedly shot and killed a recruitment officer while he and the conscript escaped. Ukrainian prosecutors have since charged both men.
Thats not something you do for an acquaintence lol. I bet they were gay and dating and thats why theyre using such formal language. Cuz thats serious commitment to getting your friend out.
"Bombing the recruitment centers isn’t the only tactic, Kovalenko said, adding that Russians also systematically spread disinformation about Ukrainian mobilization online through popular social media platforms, such as Telegram and TikTok."
Not this shit again.
Even NATO controllers have admitted that "spreading disinformation" is a code phrase for "Russia's telling the truth and making us look bad"
Where can I read about that?