For spending, calculate your daily spend limit (monthly income divided by 31) and try not to spend anything more than that any given day. If you need to spend more then you have to save that money from thee day before. Do not lend money from future days. Only accumulate from money not spent in the past. For example your monthly income 3100, then your daily spend limit is 100. You cannot spend 150 and hope that tomorrow you will only spend 50. Do it I. Reverse. Today spend 50. If you manage it, tomorrow spend 100. Only if necessary that you can spend 100 + the 50 you saved the day before.
Also try getting rid of the pets. I can't believe you pay insurance for the pet. We do have people that have no insurance even for themselves. I know you love them, but it times are hard. Maybe be give them to someone you know so you can get them back once you are doing better.
You haven't spoken much about food but you have cook your own food and snacks. Do not eat out. Do not but snacks. Your health and pocket will thank you. You can have snacks for really cheap. Just find inspiration in the internet or your relatives.