Do people believe this is real?
A place to post ridiculous posts from
(Full transparency.. a mod for this sub happens to work there.. but that doesn't influence his moderation or laughter at a lot of posts.)
No? I think the other question is what the community is for? I think it's appropriate based off the community description, although I don't remember the last time I have seen a post that wasn't obviously satire.
Good point.
I want to assume it's sarcasm, but honestly I'm not sure.
They're a parody account
Reminds of a twitter account called the goldman scachs elevator gossip.
ITT: Commenters so eager to shit on people they miss the most obvious satire.
As someone who grew up in Ireland, we are sarcastic cunts. Hence, I always read everything as satire.
No you don’t.
Clever bait
Commenters so eager to shit on people
To be fair, that’s the only purpose of this community. But the post is brilliant 😄
Ken Cheng is a British comedian. He likes to take the piss out of business people.
I was about to say, this guy is glazing MBA's way too hard for this not to be a joke.
that really is how those subhuman scum talk; my first tell was seeing women as at least hypothetically equals, and the fact the profile pic just looks like a normal guy who hasn't been dipped in grease or made very shiny.
Is glazing throwing ropes
Dick jokes are the shit. Shakespeare Chaucer style
The only one I follow on LinkedIn.
Is that the same Ken Cheng that's playing board games with No Rolls Barred?
Just to be sure: This is a meme, right?
As in, not serious?
He's a professional comedian. He realized that linked in is actually social media that people hate and have to actively use.
Honestly the pacing to me, the final punchline, etc. all scream that it's intentional satire. That and the "I want to connect with you emotionally :)" cemented it for me
This is a guy on LinkedIn who has made minor internet celebrity out of posting cringe. He makes regular appearances on LinkedInLunatics. Not entirely sure if he's a deranged business geek or a Dril still hoax account. But he baits enough people for it to be a moot point. Dude is definitely channeling a vibe.
Thank you, I'm actually happy to hear this :) the alternative would have shaken my trust in humanity even more.
It's a picture with words on it. Of course it's a meme!
Hey, a fellow smartypants, hi, welcome. :)
I'm convinced its an elaborate joke, yea.
Kinda gives Ken M vibes.
Lemmy users be like "Is the guy with the "I want to connect with you, emotionally :)" being serious?"
Trolling LinkedIn is really next-level.
As if an MBA was an achievement. My wifes brother made a Harvard MBA in his free time (paid for by his employer), and considered it laughably easy. I've read the course books he gave me, and I agree. For someone coming from the natural sciences side of things, MBA is kindergarten level. It is amazing with how little actual knowledge people get into high business positions nowadays.
A lot of the elite business communities are entirely extended social groups. Lots of nephews. Lots of professional self-promotionists. Lots of gurus, promising to deliver quasi-spiritualist business secrets. The system they're attached to is swimming in surplus revenue, so doing relatively simple arbitrage with a big enough line of credit can enrich these well-connected individuals quickly. And putting someone with connections to easy credit onto your board is a great way to grow your company.
MBAs get to operate at the kindergarten level because they're playing with billions of dollars in a game that is designed to guarantee they (mostly) walk away winners.
Trump is a classic example. Lose a billion dollars, go out and find another line of credit, gamble on double or nothing, market goes up so you win it all back again. Nobody asks where this credit is coming from or why The Donald is uniquely positioned to draw on it. Elon has a similar story. He just keeps spinning the wheel and doubling down, confident that the game has a positive ROI, so he'll always come out ahead in the end.
For people who don't know Ken Cheng is satire and making fun of LinkedIn people.
He is hilarious, and the comments he incites are even better.
I did not know, so I appreciate this heads up.
I went to business school and was in classes with people from a bunch of different business majors.
Most people are book smart and can pass a test, but are otherwise stupid.
I also regularly meet different C-suite executives for work. Again, most are only good at one or two things. Efficiency isn't one of them.
Yeah, these fucking idiots without an MBA. Einstein, Hawking, DaVinci, etc