I am also having this issue. I thought it had something to do with my VPN.
Currently getting this issue. I have to reload the site to get things to load.
400 Bad Request: rate_limit_error.
~~I am not getting that error.~~
Edit: I get that error only when logged in, and have dark mode active. It is also only sometimes.
I've made a config change, let me know if that resolves it for you.
Still happening to me.
Odd. I'm not seeing it in the logs since I made the change. I've restarted the mlmym app in case that helps. Let me know if it persists.
Definitely still getting it. I'm on chrome for windows. I'd say it happens like 1/4 times i try to load a page.
Same for me.
I've been having the same issue for the last couple days. Sometimes have to reload several times to get it to work.
Even upvoting something doesn't always take on the first try, I have to click the button several times to register. Normal lemmy works fine though.
(On firefox 117 if that matters)
#TIL old.lemmy.ca was a thing
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