Are vegans buying pets from breeders and puppy mills? I have zero facts or analyses on this, but it seems that rescue adoptions is the dominant sentiment even among everyday liberals.
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Take B12. :vegan-edge:
Me neither, I have to admit. I certainly hope you are right about them liberals!
I think it's usually adopted or if it was from a pet store it was from BEFORE they were vegan which i cant really fault them for...
Might be a difference between libs and rads again. Lib vegans who do it for vibes won't see a problem with getting Snookles from a breeder because it's the perfect mix of Japanese-French Bull Russell Madagascar Terrier (I don't know dogs). And if you tell them their "perfect little angel" that barks at every black and brown person will die at age seven to heart or liver failure, they will talk shit about you to the HOA or the PTA or whatever.
Rad vegans, depending on how involved/knowledgeable they are about certain issues might make errors, but imo when you bring up these points, they will change their mind and make adjustments. And a lot of them already have in many other ways. That's why, on this issue, most rad people in general, even non-vegans, always want to get pets from shelters instead.
So, yeah. It's a problem because people have divorced veganism from other struggles (and associated it with California quackery like crystals and shit).
Idk if someone counts as "vegan" if its for "vibes". What does that even mean lmao.
And you can adopt, not shop, but most do not!
Whether or not that's true (I'm skeptical - almost everyone I know who gets a dog or cat gets one from a shelter), it seems like this is the solution to the whole ethical quandry. It's very easy to get an animal without engaging at all with the pet breeding industry. I have two cats that I found abandoned as kittens and they are fully indoor. I don't see any issue with veganism there.
Vegans, probably, do tend to adopt? Then again, I totally forgot, but at least cat owners have to buy non-vegan products to feed their pets, no?
cat owners have to buy non-vegan products to feed their pets, no?
Yeah, it's true - meat comes into my house to feed my cats. Not sure how to resolve that. I'd be curious about people's thoughts on this.
I assumed it was only the rich who actually went out and bought a pet. Much easier cheaper and more ethical to rescue no? Or even go to the pound? I just assumed that was more common because that's all I've known. Am I in the minority?
Unfortunately, at least in my neck of woods, it is normal to buy animals. Think about it, how many animals shops do you encounter in shopping centers, versus animal centers?
Yeah I suppose that's true, it's definitely quite the industry unfortunately
I have a rabbit, but we got him through a rabbit rescue organisation that picks up abandoned rabbits and fosters them until they can be adopted. They also smuggle rabbits out of a hell state in my country that just straight up doesn't allow them as pets and kills them if found. You have to show proof you have the capacity to care for it and pay an adoption fee to cover the cost of vaccinations and shelter for the next rabbit they rescue.
Also rabbits are the best pet. They are quiet, the are vegan, they love playing like a dog but also just lounging around like a cat, they clean themselves, and their poo doesn't smell. They are also really smart and can respond to their name, and can be easily litter trained.