The story feels a little different with the actual picture
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Lmao that's the grin of a person who has no regrets
Did she at least get dressed before the mugshot?
Doesn't look like it. Idk if their policy is to give standard issue before or after the mugshot. Not that it makes it right, but I could see someone thinking "hurr says on the paper they don't get nuffin!" When the person who wrote that likely wasn't thinking about nude mugshots.
The men, Luke and John are used to people being rude, slamming doors, and even yelling at them, but for a naked woman to greet them at the door, that was quite the shock. Neither one had seen a woman naked before and they didn’t quite know how to respond. Not to mention the strange erotic sensations they were feeling for the first time as well. It was quite obvious that their message was not going to be heard at this particular house and that it was time to move on to the next one.
When the men went to return to their bikes, Brandy wasn’t yet done trying to get under their skin. A nude Brandy started speaking of her vagina and the “Devil’s” magic it contained. “Take a good look at my p*ssy. Succumb to my devil vagina magic”. This got the attention of the pair of men. They began to fear what may happened next and began to pedal away.
I'm not trying to be witty or doing this for comedic purposes, but Jesus Christ... I've only ever seen this meme. I've never looked into the article. That being said it is slightly hilarious that the author decided to add that bit about never seeing someone naked before and then "strange erotic sensations".
It makes more sense when you look at the rest of site. It's a "satire" news site. It's not a real story.
I thought "That doesn't sound like something a real journalist would write", and sure enough... Scroll down to the bottom, and you find
KVTA4 is a fabricated satirical newspaper and comedy website. KVTA4 uses invented names in all its stories, except in cases when public figures are being satirized. Any other use of real names is accidental and coincidental.
Who would even believe:
Not to mention the strange erotic sensations they were feeling for the first time as well.
That's straight up erotic fan fiction. lol
Yeah I got to that point and was a little disappointed tbh, I wanted this to be true lol
Their motto at the top, "News you can count on to let you down"
Damn, I missed that too haha
It seemed fake when they said two young men on bicycles. That’s more Morman style. In my experience JWs are an older, very conservative looking lady with a “FML” child in tow carrying copies of The Watchtower.
I once had a roommate who was a JW, and after he moved out we kept getting JW missionaries at our door for weeks afterwards. It was just like you described. They take a child with them to deter people from being rude.
Am I the only one completely exhausted with "satire" news? We have enough misinformation as it is, and now we know how dangerous it can be. It's not funny anymore.
When it's done well, it's great. I love The Onion. The problem is people writing stories that look like real news and then pretending that it's satire.
It’s one thing when the site is obviously satire but they’re clearly trying to appear as a real news site. It’s so unnecessary
It's necessary to get them clicks.
So you're saying I shouldn't purchase this Jehovah's witnesses costume?
Well, the Witnesses got what they want because THANK GOD
This makes me want to watch Orgazmo again.
It's also not a real news story, so there's that.
KVTA4 is a fabricated satirical newspaper and comedy website. KVTA4 uses invented names in all its stories, except in cases when public figures are being satirized. Any other use of real names is accidental and coincidental.
Knew something was wrong when it mentioned bicycles. That's not really a JW thing, though maybe some are doing it since I left.
This makes more sense. Thank you.
Every article these days feels like it was written by AI trained on nothing but Christian centrists.
The hover-text on the picture is "VMAGIC". Whoever was responsible for that must've had one hell of a giggle.
Wait, that's not the Jehova I remembered.
No, but it’s the Jehova we deserved.
If these men are allowed to spread the word of God, why wasn't she allowed to spread the word of Vagina Magic?
Unholy, but approved
wait for Halloween and knock on their doors see how they like it when you're playing at their own game
Need more JPEG
Haha sexual harassment is so funny when a quirky woman does it
Exactly. This is America. She should've shot them for trespassing.
So funny because it didn't actually happen. It's satire.
Everything on the Internet is true.
Fuck religious peddlers.
Isn't that what she was trying to do?
Nah she was just trying to share her religion.
It's deserved when they spread a religion of hate.
should you be allowed to rape someone if they "spread a religion of hate"?
This was funny but its been a bit overdone.
It's a fake story, so it was never funny.
I really don't look to memes for information. They are more like cartoons to me.
The good old "Wolf of Wall Street" tactic. Sure brings back memories.