There has been some international criticism of the IDF actions that caused a lot of civilian deaths, but probably less so in the US and Germany where it is very difficult to make any criticism of the Israeli government without being labelled antisemitic. This means it's socially and politically safer to say generic things like "we stand with Israel no matter what". Ironically there is far more critical debate within Israel itself.
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Consider that online at least, you may be in a isolated bubble so the opinions you hear may not reflect how the general population feels.
It is also very easy for groups to manufacture group opinions/sentiments online.
For what its worth, I am largely seeing the opposite sentiments here (but i am in my own bubble).
You are entirely right, I kind of forgot about that.
True here on Lemmy majority (from what I see) are Pro Palestinian, or more to say Pro-Stop killing the innocent.
But seeing Reddit? They’re fine with the Palestinians deaths but mention the opposite and it’s bad!
The thing is; the Presidents of the countries are the ones who can try stop the killing of innocent people but they don’t. They let it happen.
I think you're looking at history the wrong way. Consider for example World War 2. After a surprise attack by Japan killed 2,403 Americans, the USA and Japan fought a war that left well over half a million Japanese civilians dead. About that many German civilians also died from Allied bombings. Meanwhile approximately 10,000 American civilians died - a hundred times fewer. That didn't mean that the USA was fighting on the wrong side...
You don’t get my point. So many innocent deaths. That’s my point.
Forget sides - No innocent person deserves to die.
Meanwhile the Presidents are sitting in their ‘tower’, the innocent are either living in constant fear of dying or are literally dying.
First you say "Israel [is] allowed to basically do what the Nazi Germany did" and now you say "forget sides"? Sides are pretty important when it comes to being Nazi Germany vs being against Nazi Germany... If you'll say that you're against what the United States did in World War 2, then you won't be very popular but at least you'll be a consistent pacifist.
Whether I’m popular or not does not really matter for me and I’m not from the US - so that matters even less.
Yes, I say that because they’re exactly doing what Nazi-Germany did back in WW2. Genocide.
You cannot call what Israel does “defending themselves” anymore. That’s long gone.
I say forget sides and think about the innocent people that are dying by the minute.
Stop trying to change the subject though. This is about the Presidents closing their eyes to the deaths of innocent people.