It should say "Whiteskins" instead
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This meme always bugged me because it's not an equivalent portrayal of what the actual real life team mascot displays (or had displayed for several decades .... but continues to display in many other leagues and communities and schools)
As an Indigenous person ... this is what Native mascot logos look like to me.
I want that tshirt so much!
I'm as white as the driven snow and English by the way.
"Some folk'll never lose a toe, but then again some folk'll. Like Cleetus, the pale faced yokel.
This guy seems a little more considerate than those he is mocking lol
I don't know, that's awfully PC. Shouldn't it say "Whiteys" or similar?
Its pointing out that "redskins" is offensive, but not being offensive to do it.
You could say being formal is itself another joke on top of the contrast, as "indigenous" or "first peoples" would be an equally stupid football team name as "Caucasians."
He wants to parody the thing, not get murdered by a random hillbilly...
Caucasians football is sponsored by mayonnaise and friendly interactions with law enforcement.
lol ... I'm Ojibway-Cree from northern Ontario in Canada ... born and bred Indigenous and speak my own language
My family friends and I had a hell of laugh a few years ago when Heinz announced it's new mayonnaise sauce - Mayochup ... some weird combination of mayonnaise and ketchup
In English it sounds like nothing ... but in Cree, Ojibway and Ojibway-Cree ... it translates as 'shit face' ...
- May-yeh -- translates as 'shit' or 'feces'
- the ending 'chup' ... is a descriptive ending you tack onto the end of a word to denote that it refers to a individuals face
Mayo-chup ... literally means 'shit face' in my language
I'm a whiteskin and I'd wear it.
It would hit a little different if you wore it
I'm pretty sure if a white person wears it, it might be taken as a more white power thing than a mocking thing. I think it would be hilarious to wear, but I don't want to send the wrong message.
This one is more clear about being a spoof:
EDIT: Some alternative takes:
I think the team ought to keep the redskins name, but switch their mascot and logos to a bag of potatoes.
Also, love the shirt, although I think "white devils" or "invaders" would be a better insulting team name.
Every third or fourth catholic school has a team named "crusaders" and I find that baffling.
Not my first choice of a shirt, but I wouldn't mind wearing it.
The edit is significantly worse. Now it's tied to the Simpsons and feels forced. Paleskins would be better than Paleface and the aggressively generic looking white guy of the previous logo was better.
Plus, that character is obviously yellow.
Why did this image get edited to a Simpsons character paleface instead of the original Caucasian?
"kind of"
I don't feel insulted at all. Sorry.
Shouldn't that be white skins?
Either way, fine with me. I think we shouldn't make small things big issues, we got much MUCH bigger fish to fry
When did caucasian become synonym of white? The caucasus is a small area between russia and the middle east, I'm not caucasian
The funniest part is that people from the caucasus are actually darker-skinned.