How about 0xYYYMDD or 0xYYYYMDD if you need years after 4095 for some reason.
Today is 0x7e7b16
How about 0xYYYMDD or 0xYYYYMDD if you need years after 4095 for some reason.
Today is 0x7e7b16
Don't ask how they count the years tho
Reiwa era enters the chat
Most of Japanese hates the arbitary currender year resetting at each new emperor enthronrment. The conversion is ass and no one knows when it changes (bound to emperor's health) . Worst is its official year that govmt body accepts.
Yeah but half the time is actually: EYY/MM/DD. Like this year is 令5/MM/DD.
And some years have two values, 2019 was both 平31, from 01/01 until 04/30, then 令1 from 05/01 onwards.
Japan I can get behind but MM/dd/yyyy is just evil, why would you sandwich days between months and years? You monster