[-] 1993_toyota_camry@beehaw.org 14 points 3 months ago

The purpose of a guillotine is to deliver energy

[-] 1993_toyota_camry@beehaw.org 17 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

If you don't care about the benefits of Gentoo, such as the excellent use flags system, then no it's very much not worth it.

If you'd rather that every program comes compiled with every possible option, and requires every possible dependency because of this, then you'd be better suited by a binary distro.

If, however, you're the kind of person that wonders "why does my torrent client support sound, which pulls in these five audio dependencies? I don't ever need it to make noise, can't I just disable the ability for torrents to go 'bing' when they're done and forego installing those dependencies?", then gentoo might be for you.

[-] 1993_toyota_camry@beehaw.org 26 points 7 months ago

We need to find a new way to hate on stupid vehicles without body shaming.

The guys with small dicks never did anything wrong. I’m sure some of those truck drivers have massive cannons the diameter of a coke can, but that doesn’t excuse their stupid wasteful vanity machines.

[-] 1993_toyota_camry@beehaw.org 27 points 10 months ago

Correction: Using NVidia GPU on openSUSE experience

[-] 1993_toyota_camry@beehaw.org 18 points 11 months ago

How are you installing apps?

Can you give an example of the issues you had with a specific app?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by 1993_toyota_camry@beehaw.org to c/operating_systems@beehaw.org

I've seen a couple conversations about older or more esoteric operating systems, so I thought I'd make a post about 86Box and why I like the project.

86Box (a fork of PCem) is a low-level emulator for a wide variety of hardware from old PCs. Unlike most modern emulators which prioritize speed, it prioritizes accuracy of hardware emulation. This means it has all the quirks and features (and bios screens) you'd expect in old hardware.

It can emulate a variety of systems from the first IBM PC up to the Pentium era. It has a surprisingly large variety of motherboards, storage controllers, disk drive models, network cards, graphics cards, etc.

To test it out, I set up something close to my first PC:

  • 486 DX2 66
  • ASUS PVI-486SP3C Motherboard
  • S3 Trio64V+
  • 234MB 4500RPM HDD
  • Novell NE2000 ISA network card

I set it up with Dos 6.22, Windows 3.1, network drivers, mTCP, winpacket, trumpet winsock, and I'm on the internet in both dos and windows.

While something very similar could be accomplished with dosbox, virtualbox or qemu, I enjoyed the experience of using the 'actual' hardware. I also imagine it will support old quirky software more reliably than the alternatives.

I think a Windows 9x system with a 3dfx Voodoo card will be my next build.

So, Anyone else used 86Box or a similar emulator? What for? How did it go?

[-] 1993_toyota_camry@beehaw.org 14 points 1 year ago

IMO Ubuntu has been the best bet for linux on the desktop since about 2006.

They occasionally do things people dislike, but it's always easy to pick a different flavour (Xubuntu and Ubuntu-mate are great examples IMO), and the underlying distro is reliable and stable.

I'm also a big fan of LTS releases, and supported upgrade paths between them.


[-] 1993_toyota_camry@beehaw.org 23 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

IMO the option here would be to open the sub, but implement new rules.

Nowhere does it say the sub needs to be on topic. There are many off-topic subs out there (that news sub that's mostly porn, marijuanaenthusiasts).

From now on, only text posts containing a punchline to the joke "why did the chicken cross the road" are allowed.

[-] 1993_toyota_camry@beehaw.org 14 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I don't think you're missing out on much. Most aren't even lemmy instances.

I received this reply about this from Alyaza:

this is because we started using a heavily curated blocklist for the worst mastodon instances (they can interoperate with us). we didn’t expect any trouble from any of them, but any instance in the new batch of banned instances can be safely assumed to be quite bad and it’s better to be proactive than not.

link https://beehaw.org/comment/176651


checking into a few of the listed blocks now... most of them don't seem to be operating anymore.

[-] 1993_toyota_camry@beehaw.org 19 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

this was something I loved about slashdot moderation. When voting, people had to specify the reason for the vote. +1 funny, +1 insightful, +1 informative, -1 troll, -1 misleading, etc.

That way you can, for example, set in your user preferences to ignore positive votes for comedy, and put extra value on informative votes.

Then, to keep people from spamming up/down votes and to encourage them to think about their choices, they only gave out a limited number of moderation points to readers. So you'd have to choose which comments to spend your 5 points on.

Then finally, they had 'meta moderation' where you'd be shown a comment, and asked "would a vote of insightful be appropriate for this comment" to catch people who down-voted out of disagreement or personal vandetta. Any users who regularly mis-voted would stop receiving the ability to vote.

I don't think this is directly applicable to a federated system, but I do think it's one of the best-thought-out voting systems ever created for a discussion board.

edit: a couple other points i liked about it:

Comments were capped at (iirc) +5 and -1. Further votes wouldn't change the comment's score.

User karma wasn't shown. The user page would just say Karma: good. Or Excellent, or poor, or some other vague term.

[-] 1993_toyota_camry@beehaw.org 22 points 1 year ago

Beehaw is getting hammered with traffic and is really slow today.

They've really turned it around over the past few hours though. Fast as hell now.

[-] 1993_toyota_camry@beehaw.org 15 points 1 year ago

I think the trick will be working through some growing pains here while communities develop.

So far everything I've seen has been pretty positive though.

[-] 1993_toyota_camry@beehaw.org 32 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Yeah I tried a few good faith attempts there. People would post asking why there was "no evidence of x" or why "this has never happened" or why "liberals are too afraid to answer y". So I'd link a news article, or a summary of the argument they were asking about.

I think I ended up getting 6 different accounts banned before I gave up.

edit: Also kind of funny how often they'd brag about never banning anyone, while being one of the most ban-happy subs on the platform.

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