Bob - Weird Al Yankovic might be up your alley.
Makes him look too cool. Needs a Canadian JTF2 team zeroing in on his ass.
Cyberwindshield: $1200
Cyberwindshield wiper: 3 months backorder
Making a Nazi supporter cry: priceless
I've been wanting to get into the audiobook too. I plan to listen to the episodes as I go through my rewatch.
Terminator 1 definitely counts as a horror movie. It's basically a slasher movie with the unrelenting machine coming to kill someone, but has a pretty cool backstory. Better than "oh he drowned in the lake".
I think it was the Thriller music video, but I was pretty young and thought it was a full movie. It played before the main feature at a drive in movie.
After that I think it was The Fly. The arm wrestling scene still scares me.
My wife told me a story about how Tremors was her first horror movie. Her dad actually woke her up to watch it and said "you've got to see this!" because he thought the movie was so awesome. Scared the hell out of her.
I've been really loving the British show Taskmaster.
Basically you take a bunch of comedians and have them perform various inane tasks. Some of my favourites are:drive this barge down a canal and spear 5 rubber dinghies with a lance attached to the barge. Fastest wins. Or draw the rainbow with the correct colours. In the dark. There's often some tricks in these tasks and watching the contestants figure out their own way to solve the task is the best part of the show.
The good place is such a great show! I want to rewatched it but I'm waiting for a while yet so that it can have some of the original impact again.
Canadian football fields are 100m, so just the right size for us!
Ooh, that is a great side effect! We definitely need smaller commuting vehicles.
Perfect place to start! I've added the "high performance" version to my grocery cart already.
I'm a fan of Family Feud for kinda mindless trivia questions, and Family Feud Canada ain't bad. The questions aren't real trivia, but survey results, so trying to get in the heads of the average Canadian is fun.