I actually loved the sci-fi in that one. The cloning of pets was pretty cool. Also the plot twist was pretty neat. I'll have to watch it again to see if it holds up.
Who is your daddy, and what does he do?
And no Red Sonja is not a Conan movie because he’s a priest named Kalidor.
I always thought he was Conan but under cover because King Conan couldn't just go out and adventure easily.
Yeah, Subotai was pretty awesome too.
Why do you like it better than Conan The Destroyer? I mean, other than James Earl Jones being in Barbarian.
Is Red Sonya considered a Conan movie?
That's a weird way to spell True Lies.
edit: Sorry, skipped over that the post title already mentioned True Lies.
I can recall seeing pretty much every since Far Side, but I don't recall this one.
I use the Thunder client. Looks like it tried to finish your joke because your comment was the last one.
I honestly seek out audiobooks to fall asleep to. I will have portions of songs on repeat in my head otherwise and it used to take me an hour to fall asleep. Now I can tell how long it took me to fall asleep because of how far in the book I need to rewind before I can remember something happening. Lately it's been tough to get through a book because I keep falling asleep within 5 minutes.
For long drives it's definitely necessary to have a book you can really get into. I loved the Stormlight Archives done by GraphicAudio because there was music and background noises and each character had a unique actor (or at least an actor playing with different accents). Helped a couple of 11 hours drives pass by.
So a good audiobook to fall asleep to?
This is also why blowing on your food cools it off faster. You blow away that protective heat bubble.
There's a lot more to it than that. Which ISO do you download? How do you make the USB installable. What to do if the USB doesn't boot when you restart the computer. Do you want to manually partition things? What the hell's a partition?
There's installing Linux, then there's confidently installing Linux.
You'd be surprised how much food an urban homestead can produce. And no, one person isn't going to feed everybody on food stamps but like many things, if enough people start doing it then it becomes part of the culture. Imagine if houses had a little homestead instead of a grass lawn, especially in the front. Whole changes in culture could occur. For example, one of the best things about Halloween in my opinion is that the whole neighbourhood comes alive with people out and about. If people spent more time in their front yards doing gardening (and not noisy polluting lawn mowing) there's be more interactions between people and places would feel more alive and safer. </rant>