[-] AlteredStateBlob@kbin.social 76 points 7 months ago

I've made a write up for you to follow along and reference: https://kbin.social/m/reddit@lemmy.world/t/854162/Any-EU-based-users-of-reddit-should-immediately-file-a

tl;dr instructions towards the end.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by AlteredStateBlob@kbin.social to c/reddit@lemmy.world

reddit is telling it's future investors with recent news and more info on their IPO, that they're currently selling and looking to sell their user's data to companies wanting to train their LLMs, including Google.

This is a direct violation of the GDPR for any EU based users.

Legal Basis?

Under Art. 6 GDPR reddit may only really use p1 (f) (p meaning paragraph) processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection of personal data, in particular where the data subject is a child.

All other options are impossible, as they don't have consent, nor do they have contracts with their user base to allow for this. Art. 5 p1 (f) is a touchy subject and clearly requires extra provisions being made in case the data subject is a child. Reddit has tons of children (meaning anyone under 18) using their site daily. See for example: https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/

What's being processed

Due to the nature of reddit, they are also processing huge amounts of data of special categories Article 9 such as data on sexual orientation, health information, ethnic info, union information, etc. (basically everything in Article 9 can easily be found on reddit):

(note users have not given explicit consent according to the requirements of consent under Art. 7 and 8, which would allow for such processing under Art. 9 p2 (a))

These are obviously just a tiny selection of the hundreds of subreddits that are concerned with these types of data, not to mention the unencrypted "private" messages, chats, etc.

My lord, is this legal?

Article 9 p2 (e) states "processing relates to personal data which are manifestly made public by the data subject;"; so they're out of the woods, right? After all, users posted this stuff and it was made public! Sadly, this doesn't work with processing data of children, especially with 9 p4 allowing member states to introduce additional limitations and conditions for further processing.

The real kicker comes with Article 5 p1 (b) though for 9 p2 (e). 5 p1 (b) requires the personal data be: "collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes; further processing for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes shall, in accordance with Article 89(1), not be considered to be incompatible with the initial purposes (‘purpose limitation’);"

Yeeeah... People have posted their stuff publicly, BUT with a clear understanding that the processing of the data ends there. Reddit may process the data insofar they serve the data to the public. That's it. Turning around and selling the data now is a crystal clear violation of Article 5 p1(b). There's no two ways about it. As per Article 5 p2, reddit needs to be able to prove they are in compliance with 5 p1.

They're also processing data under Art. 10 relating to criminal convictions and offences

Processing of such data shall be carried out only under the control of official authority or where processing is authorized by Union or Member State law. Rugh-Roh. I'll admit, that this one might be reaching a bit, as it could easily be considered only to apply to "official" type of data here, rather than just criminal talk overall, but fuck it. Throw it on the pile.

Your rights and how they're being violated (not in a kinky fun way)

Now let's look at the Rights of the data subject! Those are always fun :)

Art. 12 p1 "The controller shall take appropriate measures to provide any information referred to in Articles 13 and 14 and any communication under Articles 15 to 22 and 34 relating to processing to the data subject in a concise, transparent, intelligible and easily accessible form, using clear and plain language, in particular for any information addressed specifically to a child."

This is my favorite. Articles 13 and 14 are provisions on informing the data subject where they had data obtained directly from them or not directly from them. For reddit it mostly applies 13, but since people also talk about people they know, 14 also applies.

Let's check in there real quick. We'll keep it to Article 13 for brevity. Reddit needs to:

  • give info on contact details of the controller and the controllers rep (in the case of selling data to Google for LLM training, that's info for Google, not reddit; anyone got that info via DM maybe? No? Oh shit)
  • contact details of their data protection officer (both reddit and google, anyone was informed on that for the LLM stuff? No?)
  • purposes of processing including the legal basis. Love this one. Anyone know that for the sale of their data to Google to train their LLM? No? Shucks.
  • Since they're likely hinging on Art. 6 p1 (f) they need to tell you what the legitimate interest is - in our case MAD MONEY, not sure if that'll hold up.
  • recipients or categories of recipients -> so "big evil data churning, election influencing, minority silencing, union busting, mega corp" Sweet.
  • Transfer to third countries -> likely doesn't apply, as reddit servers are in the US (I believe, no idea if that's true) if not, weeeeeeell...
  • right to lodge a complaint with supervisory authority (anyone got that notice?)
  • whether the data is provided due to a contract or statutory -> doesn't apply, users give their data "freely"
  • existence of automated decision-making, INCLUDING PROFILING (as per Art. 22 -> non of the exceptions in that article apply to the current situation) - I'm sure no LLM will ever be used by the largest Ad company on the planet to help profile users, noooooooo, that's craaazy!

Article 13 p3 clearly states in relation to Article 5 p1 (b) that the data subject must be informed about the data that is being collected for further processing BEFORE such processing occurs, including all the info I just listed above from Article 13 p2.

Article 13 p4 states "Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 shall not apply where and insofar as the data subject already has the information." yeeaaah... No reddit user knew about their data being actively sold to LLMs (sure LLMs might have scraped it, but that's an entirely different can of worms - in which reddit has a hand, too under GDPR as they're supposed to establish safeguards against such things, but reddit directly selling now without any upfront info... tut, tut..)

Another element of Article 12 p1 is this bit "in a concise, transparent, intelligible and easily accessible form, using clear and plain language, in particular for any information addressed specifically to a child." I'm sure they'll find a cool and hip way of explaning to all the teens on reddit what an LLM is and how it's using their data.

Send reddit a little e-mail

For added fun, I urge anyone who still has a reddit account and is a EU citizen to contact reddit and make use of their rights under the GDPR to be specifically excluded from any use for LLM training, etc. Which is your RIGHT under Article 12 p2 specifically Article 21 right to object. You can contact them via "dpo@reddit.com"

Let's be really petty and assume that reddit and Google are shit at what they do, so they're likely not even engaged in a Data Processing Agreement required under Article 28 p3 and if so, I'd love my supervisory authority to take a look at that one.

Delving into the Arcane

Let's kick it up a tiny notch and go into the more arcane bits of the GDPR with Article 35, Data Protection Impact Assessment. I'm sure you'll love p1:

"Where a type of processing in particular using new technologies, and taking into account the nature, scope, context and purposes of the processing, is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons, the controller shall, prior to the processing, carry out an assessment of the impact of the envisaged processing operations on the protection of personal data. 2A single assessment may address a set of similar processing operations that present similar high risks."

New technologies you say? Likely to result in a high risk, you say? Remember how most chatbots and AIs turn super racist, super quick? Or AIs being easily triggered into revealing their training data 1:1? Oh I'm sure there's nooooo such risk with LLMs run by evil mega corp known for exploiting the shit out of exactly this kind of info for well over a decade now.

But we needn't even argue that point. Article 35 p3 (b) clearly states:
"processing on a large scale of special categories of data referred to in Article 9(1), or of personal data relating to criminal convictions and offences referred to in Article 10;"

Oh nooo. Remember my list from the start? LLMs are 100% definitely large scale processing all that with reddit data sets.

Any assessment carried out would clearly indicate risk and thus Article 36 would apply, where reddit has to consult with supervisory authorities in the EU BEFORE starting this. Knowing reddit, if they ever even did such an assessment, they've come out with "low risk, nothing to see".

Then there's Article 32 of the GDPR: Security of processing. p1 (b): "the ability to ensure the ongoing confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of processing systems and services;" yeeeaaah, good luck with that on an LLM there, buddies.

Cool, what now?

Here's what you do to exercise your rights and defend your data against the highway robbery and continuous violation by US Tech-Bros:

  • Find your supervisory authority (just use google, for added irony) by searching for "Data Protection supervisory authority [the state you live in]".
  • Find their contact info, usually they have a form to complain ready made
  • give the company info applicable for your state, I've gone ahead and fished those out for you (see at the end here)
  • Tell them about the upcoming reddit Google partnership: https://apnews.com/article/google-reddit-ai-partnership-a7f131c7cb4225307134ef21d3c6a708
  • Tell them you're an EU citizen and reddit user (or former and they still have data of yours)
  • Tell them you believe them to be in violation of Articles: 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 32, 35, 36, and possibly more.
  • Link to this thread, if you like


Reddit, Inc.
548 Market St. #16093
San Francisco, California 94104


Reddit Netherlands B.V.
Euro Business Center
Keizersgracht 62, 1015CS Amsterdam


Reddit UK Limited,
5 New Street Square,
London, United Kingdom,

Good luck!

[-] AlteredStateBlob@kbin.social 184 points 7 months ago

If you are in the EU file a complaint under the GDPR with your supervisory authority. They are processing data of people and especially children here that they have no right to at all. Users were not informed, no opt out, nothing. This is extremely illegal in the EU. Not to mention all that data on special categories like health data, sexual orientation ,ethnicity, etc. Etc.

[-] AlteredStateBlob@kbin.social 71 points 7 months ago

If you are in the EU file a complaint with your supervisory authority as reddit is illegally processing and selling data of children to be trained with by Google, not to mention all other users who weren't properly informed, nor consent retrieved. This one is going to be fun.

[-] AlteredStateBlob@kbin.social 75 points 8 months ago

Hate this. I work as a PO. Praise my devs every chance I get both internally and towards our clients. Always pass on positive feedback and use negative feedback only translated into priority weights.

I see my job as keeping stakeholders at bay and let them do their job. I bundle requests into feature requests that cover as many current and future needs as possible, but never without internal meetings first.

Just getting sales to stop making deals on feature requirements with clients was a very long uphill battle that we have mostly won. Now it all goes through my team first and we always do estimates with our development teams. Takes a bit of time, takes a bit longer, but never have I seen a client get back to us with the same urgency as they request a quote anyway. If they can not wait a week, they won't be a good fit for what we are doing and how we do things.

Posts like these make me feel accomplished :D

[-] AlteredStateBlob@kbin.social 147 points 8 months ago

Bet you, every single one of the cunts pushing for this would have to immediately be convicted under the very same laws.

[-] AlteredStateBlob@kbin.social 74 points 8 months ago

I really love how the whole GameStop thing is so derided around a lot of places, because haha, memestock idiots.

They literally turned off the buy button until they could figure out a way of the mess they created - or at least postpone it. This event alone should have brought people into the streets calling for these assholes heads. Instead we got shitty media coverage, shitty politicking around the topic with clueless senators and almost no action taken whatsoever.

GameStop revealed how utterly, utterly rigged the "free and fair" markets truly are. Sure we all realize that those with money and power will always be ahead of everything. But that was a full mask-off moment and - to a degree - still is. They had to show their cards and it's all fake and make belief, fully covered by unregulated entities that will never ever be held responsible. Not for the fucking mess they made in 2008, not for the fucking mess they kept making (rebranding MBS to CMBS and then getting fucked when COVID suddenly makes work from home a clearly solid model, crashing the CMBS nonsense, just like it was in 2008 with MBS nonsense)...

Like, I get it. Haha GameStop idiots got burned. But people really do not see how hard that event ripped off their mask and nearly brought the whole fucking thing down to the point where they had to blatantly intervene to stop the bleeding. And it didn't even stop with the run a few years ago. Once the split was done, all GameStop shares simply fucking disappeared for several days for German holders, because the split was also done in a very, very suspicious manner.

Think what you will of people invested in GameStop. No single stock has ever put how fucked the market structures truly are as much on display as this one has and continues to do.

It's all fake bullshit and it's still the best way to try to get a leg up in a "legal" way. I truly hate all this shit so much.

[-] AlteredStateBlob@kbin.social 99 points 8 months ago

"I'm surprised the thing me and my ilk have been actively working against hasn't magically happened despite our massive efforts to the opposite effect."

Bet you Bill thinks these kinds of publicity stunts will exclude him from being eaten, when we go to eat the rich.

[-] AlteredStateBlob@kbin.social 84 points 10 months ago

Netflix and Amazon prime simply won't work with VPNs active, which I use for work and privacy towards my ISP.

I won't compromise my security for their bad services. Living in a non US country, we are also always several years behind on content being offered.

Yeah, nah. The paying customer always pays for the percieved sins of non customers.

Set sail.

[-] AlteredStateBlob@kbin.social 76 points 11 months ago

I sure hope the courts toss that thing. It would be the single worst violation of peoples privacy since the internet became a thing. It's incredible that lobbyists and police unions have this much impact on policy creation.

[-] AlteredStateBlob@kbin.social 100 points 1 year ago

More and more I am considering taking a vacation with the specific goal of migrating to Linux. I've got decades old workflows linked to certain programs and tools that I know for sure only exist in Windows, so I'll likely have to still run it in a VM for those, but my system setup is just kinda the place I call home the most, yet my patience for all this nonsense is rapidly declining.


An idea put forward to turn items the characters already have into magic items rather than only (or primarily) giving them magic items they can find.

[-] AlteredStateBlob@kbin.social 87 points 1 year ago

All this debate and nobody brings up that, thanks to climate change, cooling nuclear power plants will become a roll of the dice? Same as it already happened in France?

Droughts are really, really bad for nuclear power. Solar and wind don't give a shit.

Doesn't even matter much which technology is better on any other point. If you cannot run it, it's worthless. Especially at times with increased power demand for example due to AC usage spiking thanks to the same heat that just poofed your cooling solution into oblivion.

Costing google money rule (media.kbin.social)
[-] AlteredStateBlob@kbin.social 93 points 1 year ago

Alle diese Aussagen sind einfach nur Tests wie viel Gegenwind kommt. Das wird so lange erweitert, bis sie die Regierung mit der AfD stellen und später von der AfD aus dem Weg geräumt werden. Dann wirds bei der CxU ganz große erschrockeneblitzratte.png Äuglein geben.

Bande von Kriminellen Machtgeiern.


With algorithms, clickbait, the power of hate and controversy, it's become increasingly difficult to find or amplify the smaller creators (below 1000 subscribers/followers) across the internet.


is meant to help just that. Know a diamond in the rough, that barely anyone knows about? Go talk about them there. Tell the fediverse why they're a worth a subscription, or even promote your own work.



Basically title. As you can see, I see this community and can post to it fine. But some others just return a 404.

This is the link that works (for kbin.social):

And here's one that doesn't:
actual link: https://lemmy.world/c/imperor

Any input/Help would be appreciated!


Everything is kind of fast and everyone is trying to live their best life. Hustle Culture still is a thing for some reason and man, does it get exhausting.

beningexistence is to just talk about smaller things. Your spouse made a great meal? Post it there.

Saw a little funny bug muddling about and it reminded you of how you used to go for walks with your grandma an look at all the different critters? Post it there.

Here's the links:

view more: next ›


joined 1 year ago