No idea. A lot of them were aviation related. I work as a mechanic. I'm guessing they were left over from back in the day.
Edit: there was three boxes of tapes
No idea. A lot of them were aviation related. I work as a mechanic. I'm guessing they were left over from back in the day.
Edit: there was three boxes of tapes
Didn't know where else to post haha. I'm new, I'm new I don't know what to do!
Gotta love capitalism and infinate growth. A GROCERY store that sells things people need wants to get into data analysis to turn a few extra bucks.
*sigh "You have to call the European Fecal Standards and Measurement Office in Zurich...."
I thought it was Scilly from the X-Files at first lol.
Edit: Scully
I'm American, I needed new work boots. Got some Canada Wests. They are high quality and very comfy.
I built a replica one that a dude in Australia designed. Its really fun to mess with. I played Zork on it the day I finished it.
I'm very partial to the IMSAI 8080!
You soldering stuff is pretty awesome. I just joined the other day and ran across your stuff.
Prob Total Recall!