Or any other log files/output? I'm open to any solution, but what I would like...
...is something where I can just click on a word or select some text and say "filter that out"
Something that colors different log levels differently, preferably automatically.
Something that can parse the "columns" and give me a nice quick list of values, like different unit names to filter out/solely include.
Something that lets me choose a time and go there. Something that lets me select only a specific timeframe of logs.
I know this can probably be done by going in/out of journalctl, recalling the last command and adding specific filter options... but it just feels slow. It's so many keypresses when I could just right click on the word and -> "Filter out/Search for" or something.
I would definitely want to see them prosecuted. However, the sentence should probably be light. I'm not perfectly familiar with the justice system, so I don't know how much of this is currently the case, but I think vigilante justice should result in smaller punishments than for example if the reason of the murder was personal gain. If it can actually be proven that the murder victim did those terrible things they were killed for, depending how terrible those things are, the sentence should be reduced. If for example someone killed Hitler, there should be no punishments for this murderer.
Of course that allows murderers for personal gain to claim they did it for vigilante justice, but they would have to find something they can actually prove their victim to be guilty of. This will probably be hard. But I think if they actually find something on the victim, as twisted as it sounds, I think it's actually fine if the sentence gets reduced. Because in the end I think the murder of an unpunished morally bankrupt person is less bad than the murder of a completely innocent person.