[-] Ballistic_86@lemmy.world 10 points 10 hours ago

I’m guessing it sort of came from the fact that we cook food with burning wood. Less so now, but burning wood meant cooked food for 200k years.

I don’t think wood smells like it is edible, but a fire can remind me of food through smell.

[-] Ballistic_86@lemmy.world 18 points 3 days ago

Automated phone systems have been a thing for decades. They are notoriously shitty and adding a layer of “friendly AI” on top of that shitty system doesn’t bode well.

[-] Ballistic_86@lemmy.world 6 points 6 days ago

Top Gear is back!

[-] Ballistic_86@lemmy.world 34 points 1 month ago

We aren’t carnivores, we are omnivores. An advantage that surely allowed the growth of our brains and allowed us to become the dominant species in the planet.

Our teeth our designed in a way to both rip/tear meat and also grind up plants.

It is great that some sector of the population can be vegetarian or vegan, but it isn’t a realistic option if everyone did so. Farming is destroying hundred of thousands of acres of land every year. Keeping up with a plant-based only diet for 8 billion people isn’t feasible with the current technology and farming practices of today.

[-] Ballistic_86@lemmy.world 40 points 1 month ago

I mean, you got a 2 year extended warranty and free delivery, both of which I’m sure Best Buy charges for.

[-] Ballistic_86@lemmy.world 38 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

How dare you take a picture of my grandparents house! Have some respect for the dead.

It is funny how the 80s/90s were portrayed in media. Crazy colors and styles. The reality is everything was brown and was purchased/furnished in the 70s.

[-] Ballistic_86@lemmy.world 55 points 1 month ago

You can replace SOME of the oil with applesauce. But replacing all of it (which I did find on some really shitty websites) will not work correctly.

Fat soluble flavors will be diluted by the excess water as well as not giving flour anything to bond to. Less flavor, rock hard baked good.

If you want to try using applesauce, use unsweetened applesauce and only replace (at max) 50% of the oil required for the recipe. Results may vary, I don’t see the use in lowering the fat content of a delicious baked good. I’m eating that shit full flavor, full fat, full sugar. Just eat less of it.

Outside of that tangent, the gall of this person to say “I followed the recipe exactly” when their very first sentence contradicts that completely.

[-] Ballistic_86@lemmy.world 92 points 2 months ago

Isn’t the purpose of the art piece to demonstrate the human condition across an ocean? Flashing/mooning/offensive memes, that is what humans do. This should stay up and more should be put in place. How much more culturally connected would cities in the US be linked to other UK or EU cities?

[-] Ballistic_86@lemmy.world 142 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

It would be against Islam for a woman to show herself (without a head covering) to a man she wasn’t married/related to. This isn’t true for woman and other woman. This person is trans and their friend treated them, through religious tradition, that she accepts her friend as a woman.

[-] Ballistic_86@lemmy.world 39 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I did a lot of job applying recently. Many employers were never considered after I was made aware of how their application process worked. It got to the point where if they made me fill out a form of info that was already on my resume, I wouldn’t apply.

If it takes 10 steps to even get some AI bullshit to read my resume, imagine the nightmare working for the company.

I was hired at company that had an easy application process, interviewed me in-person the next day, and I was offered the job 3 days later (2 were the weekend). Even though the job offered less pay than I value myself at, I knew it was a company worth working for.

[-] Ballistic_86@lemmy.world 34 points 2 months ago

All Amazon drivers are contracted, check out Amazon DSP. We also use the Flex app. Your location, even as a Flex driver, is on a delay. Unless you are having to take 10+ minutes at a stop, it will never reveal your current location. Even my DSP couldn’t get my exact location until I had been stationary for some time.

[-] Ballistic_86@lemmy.world 31 points 2 months ago

Some of these replies seem to think it is okay to hit a random guy, walking passed, in the knee with batons. Escalation of force starts with clear and concise commands. I didn’t see one of those uniformed men command or inform those two that they weren’t allowed to do whatever it is they were doing (appeared to be walking casually on the street) before they busted out the batons.

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