[-] BartyDeCanter 15 points 1 month ago

Yeah, Obama was so fucking desperate to get bipartisan support that he and the congressional Democrats let the GOP sabotage it instead of fighting for the single-payer system that had been promised. And now here we are. I honestly believe that if he had both jailed the bakers in the aftermath of the housing crash and gone full single payer not only would we be in a much better place as a nation, but Trump would never have been elected.

[-] BartyDeCanter 14 points 2 months ago

Oh man, I loved my OG Droid.

[-] BartyDeCanter 14 points 4 months ago

It’s played on a hex grid?

[-] BartyDeCanter 14 points 4 months ago

I thought it was mostly great. The music, setting and storytelling were all fantastic. I would have liked it better if you had more of an inventory and could swap them out at will rather than when you found the right vigor. I’d also like a super easy mode so that my partner who is terrible at video games could enjoy it.

[-] BartyDeCanter 14 points 5 months ago

I just tried it and it actually works! 🤣

[-] BartyDeCanter 16 points 5 months ago

Um, no. If you’re having a problem with trolling you need to talk to a doctor about balance and mobility issues.

[-] BartyDeCanter 14 points 6 months ago

Forty years too late, but I guess better than never.

[-] BartyDeCanter 14 points 6 months ago

Since I work in Bay Area tech I’ve met a bunch of people who do, like Guido van Rossum and Sergey Brin. But I only really know one, an astronomer I used to work with.

[-] BartyDeCanter 14 points 7 months ago

I mean, Microsoft pulled off that for Windows all the way back in 1995.

/s, obvs

[-] BartyDeCanter 15 points 7 months ago

Albuquerque had little shorts guy. Walked around Central Ave near the university wearing naught but a tiny, tiny pair of shorts or thong and usually carrying an anti-war/pro-gay sign. Pretty fun fellow to talk to, but was too into drinking urine imho.

[-] BartyDeCanter 15 points 10 months ago

Portland and Minneapolis? So like, a protest/campout in one or two square blocks while everyone else goes about their normal business?

[-] BartyDeCanter 14 points 1 year ago

Firefly Rome (the last season got cut, and 3&4 got smashed into one season) Sense8 (though the wrap up movie was great) Gargoyles

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