[-] Barx@hexbear.net 4 points 1 hour ago

This seems plausible but it'd probably be there to help Biden when he trails off into quiet mumbles

[-] Barx@hexbear.net 9 points 4 hours ago


[-] Barx@hexbear.net 1 points 10 hours ago

Human rights aren't a tool at all. In the most generous sense, they are a set of ideals, often disconnected from how they might actually be achieved or identifying how they are violated, consistently. They are also not actually consistently defined. One can of course point to UN-adjacent declarations, but there's no good reason to say those are complete. They were just one version of some people coming together to say what a baseline of human existence should entail, naturally bringing their own (often racist, chauvinist, etc) biases to the table.

This is easily demonstrated by example. How will you use human rights as a tool to undo capitalism, the driving force of all the problems mentioned in these articles? Be specific and explain how you will defend your life and that of your neighbors when they start bombing the counties declaring their adherence of their economies to human rights. Will human rights build the bunkers? Will human rights substitute the dollar reserve system? Will human rights organize millions of people to resist oppression?

Of course it can do none of those things. It is a limited set of ideals. This discourse is actually hundreds of years old and the idealists that did not ground their approach in the real social position in the economy and real leverage against capital were crushed every single time.

I don't want you to be crushed. I want you to see these ideals come to fruition through real-world practice.

Equal rights for all means no more fighting for rights. The economic, social, and cultural rights outlined in the UNUDHR are quite obviously not the status quo.

The status quo use the NGO industrial complex to cynically wield human rights rhetoric to undermine and destroy sovereign states, starve children, bomb refugees, destroy pharmaceutical factories, prevent the establishment of food sovereignty, force entire export economies on target countries. They point to that declaration often. This is the status quo I'm referring to and how the concept is currently put into practice. It has been absorbed into the violent status quo as a propaganda tool.

[-] Barx@hexbear.net 2 points 16 hours ago

Depends! App developers can screw up many things

[-] Barx@hexbear.net 10 points 1 day ago

And they'd set up someone that "never doubted" Biden to be the automatic successor.

[-] Barx@hexbear.net 4 points 1 day ago

Something's Wrong With Mr. Sniffles

[-] Barx@hexbear.net 5 points 1 day ago

I mean it sounds like they might try for one but labor is too poorly organized and coopted by the governed for it to actually work.

Anyone saying, "we need to push for a general strike!" in the United States is being an idealist. We need to build socialist parties and increase union density, particularly for radical unions.

[-] Barx@hexbear.net 14 points 1 day ago

How did you distinguish it from OAuth2? The browser it pops up in may not be one into which you're already logged in, in which case you saw what I would expect to see. Google's (dangerous) OAuth2 UX will first prompt you to login with a generic login page and only then ask if you want to share info with the third party.

However, requiring a Google login is sus for anything that could be sensitive, including a BDS campaign. It will share Google account info of whoever filled out that OAuth2 prompt with whatever service they are using. Might be a Google Form for their own account, might be some third party, who knows. Very bad practice.

[-] Barx@hexbear.net 18 points 1 day ago

Americans are deeply awash in right wing propaganda and silly little founding mythologies. It also killed or blacklisted its left several times.

American political education is that being left means being a conservative liberal that is okay with the gays and being right is being, more or less, a "respectable" civil Nazi, and everything else is vague extremism.

[-] Barx@hexbear.net 6 points 1 day ago

Thank you for bringing back dogposting, Comrade Kennedy.

[-] Barx@hexbear.net 14 points 1 day ago

This is Blahaj theory

[-] Barx@hexbear.net 28 points 2 days ago

irl lefty organizing drama is usually even worse. A person picking fights about something they obviously don't understand and haven't even tried to understand. Romance drama (oh my God did you hear that X and Y broke up their polycule???). People narcing on each other (and when it is a good org, getting themselves kicked out of that org because NO SNITCHING). Absurd self-tokenizing weaponizations of identity to serve some egotistical bullshitting. Long, rambling "this is why I'm leaving the organization" essays that are about 30% factual.

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