The lower the number the better. That's pretty decent.
Curved shields are better against spears, arrows, and light swords. Flat are cheaper and better against axes, flails, heavy swords, pikes, and blunt force body attacks.
I get what you are saying here, but in this case you are mistaken. Are athletes sportspeople? Yes. But so are officials and broadcasters and coaches. There were awards for them as well.
Opportunity cost, possibly. They might be remastering it and wish to sell it at a higher cost, or think they can get more money through a different retailer.
The city where I live has a higher col then the surrounding rural areas. Our living wage is $15.34 and poverty wage is $6.35 I don't have a report for the surrounding areas but my gut says somewhere around $10/$5.
In the US you have to get paid 1.5x for hours over 40. $30/2.5/1.5 = $8. And thats assuming no paycheck deductions such as tax, healthcare, alimony, etc
USSR and US/GB were already fighting each other in the Artic circle. Japan was losing badly and was already offering conditional surrender. The US wished to test how the world would react and if they could prevent a full out war with Russia.
They dropped their 2 different prototype bombs on Japan and told Russia/the world, they don't just have one bomb, they have a factory making them.
So the US and USSR fought proxy wars instead of full scale. Pretty much still are.
I'm of a mind that someone should be able to watch content how they wish and I use Plex to help facilitate that. I hate that Plex ended support for add ins.
I miss flash games.
They are starting to delete the data associated to Google accounts that have not signed in in several years. This includes their YouTube videos. I have started downloading the videos from creators that have passed that I still wish to watch.
Only a year ago I was doing tech support for DARPA. Yeah, no. they're still running Windows 7. A year prior to that I was doing some design work for the Pentagon and a lot of their computers are still Windows XP. You'd be woefully surprised how much is still running on COBAL