[-] BehindTheBarrier@programming.dev 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Not sure if the term landscaping covers plowing, but if there is snow in the winter it makes sense to open them to plow the area.

Sideloading apps The home screen layout (I'm sure this can be changed up though), gotta love launchers Live backgrounds that also work with launchers More styling options such as app icons for home screens. While less relevant with gestures now, their navigation setup The punchouts and larger things in the screen. I hate them, and hate that on android too. Apples lock in, esp things like file transfers. Google has some too of course, but Apple is worse.

True, but this is solid state so it may be higher density than current Lithium based batteries. But it might not beat a hypothetical lithium solid state battery. On the other hand, sodium batteries today beat out lithium in many other ways than capacity, and if those things are true for solid state then as long as there is a big enough jump in capacity due to the solid state transition then I think sodium is going to be the go-to for most uses in the future.

[-] BehindTheBarrier@programming.dev 20 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Completely true, but also compression can make anything bad. I've seen 480p better 1080p simply because the 480p was using more bitrate, where the 1080p is encoded without enough relatively speaking.

[-] BehindTheBarrier@programming.dev 19 points 1 month ago

New car smell, it's awful. Sort of stale plastic if I were to describe it.

Amplified by long trips on bad roads as kid. Guaranteed to make you feel like vomiting on some sections. Now when I anticipate/pack for a trip I tend to smell that again even though I'm not even in a car.

[-] BehindTheBarrier@programming.dev 21 points 1 month ago

Pretty sure that site is satire, iirc with some right leaning bias but my memory is vague.

So it's political ads, but at least fake politics :P

[-] BehindTheBarrier@programming.dev 18 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I'm on a similarly sized team, and we have put more effort into automated testing lately. We got an experienced person in on the team that knows his shit, and is engaged in improving our testing. But it's definiely worth it. Manual testing tests the code now, automated testing checks the code later. That's very important, because when 5 people test things, they aren't going to test everything every time as well as all the new stuff. It's too boring.

So yes, you really REALLY should have automated testing. If you have 20 people, I'd guess you're developing on something that is too large for a single person to have in-depth knowldge of all parts.

Any team should have automated test. More specifically, you should have/write tests that test "business functionality", not that your function does exactly what it is supposed to do. Our test expert made a test for something that said "ThisCompentsDisplayValueShouldBeZeroWhenUndefined" (Here component is something the users see, and always exepct to have a value. There is other components that might not show a value).

And when I had to interact with the data processing because another "component" did not show zero in an edge case. I fixed the edge case, but I also broke the test for that other component. Now it was very clear to me that I also broke something that worked. A manual tester would maybe have noticed, but these were seperate components, and they might still see 0 on the thing that broke becase they had the value 0. Or simply did not know that was a requirement!

We just recently started enforcing unit tests to be green to merge features. It brings a lot more comfort, especially since you can put more trusting changing systems that deal with caluclations, when you know tests check that results are unchanged.

[-] BehindTheBarrier@programming.dev 47 points 2 months ago

Not to completely spring to IKEAs defense here, but I heard they really were affected by production and shipping problems during covid. It's reasonable prices would go up, and at least good that they are going down again.

[-] BehindTheBarrier@programming.dev 25 points 3 months ago

I don't think shorts are bad, but they aren't the reason I go to YouTube at all. They are just in the way.

[-] BehindTheBarrier@programming.dev 22 points 3 months ago

Every time you open anything in office applications you get these small pop-ups

  • See what changes others did?
  • We added a new feature, do you want to see it?
[-] BehindTheBarrier@programming.dev 37 points 3 months ago

Why wait and hope for C++ to get where modern languages are now? I know there's value in the shared experience in C++ that if adapted would make it stronger, but I can only see a development of C++ having to force a drop of a lot of outdated stuff to even get started on being more suitable.

But the language is just not comfortable to me. From large amounts of anything creating undefined behavior, the god awful header files which I hate with a passion, tough error messages and such. I also met a fun collision of C++ in Visual Studio and using it with CMake in CLion.

I've just started looking at rust for fun, and outside not understanding all the errors messages with the bounded stuff yet, figuring out what type of string I should use or pass, and the slow climb up the skill curve, it's pretty nice. Installing stuff is as easy as copy pasting the name into the cargo file!

Rust is just the prospective replacement of C++ though, people act like the White house said that C++ should be replaced by rust now. But the just recommend it and other languages, C# will do for a lot of people that does not need the performance and detail that the aforementioned languages target. Python is targeting a whole different use, but often combined with the faster ones.

C++ will live a long time, and if the popularity dies down it will surely be very profitable to be a developer on the critical systems that use it many years from now. I just don't think an evolution of C++ is going to bring what the world needs, particularly because of the large amount of existing memory related security vulnerabilities. If things were good as they are now, this recommendation would not be made to begin with.

[-] BehindTheBarrier@programming.dev 28 points 10 months ago

This is also the reason I'm all open source. Not just games, but seeing someone abandon a program hurts. Or just wanting to make a change on your own to suit your needs. I don't have any big fancy programs, but I at least put my code openly on github.com for that reason. Both my "big" ones are just me using another program and realizing I could make something that worked better for me. At like 100x the time investment, but programming is fun.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by BehindTheBarrier@programming.dev to c/rust@programming.dev

I'm super new to Rust, like a day old really.

But I tried a program made in Rust on Windows, and it refuses to work.

Never prints anything. Just straight up instantly dead. Long story short, this thing relies on some linked stuff like ffmpeg in some form. So, I did my best trying to gather all the things it needs per github issues, reddit and other souces. And the end result was that it now spent 0.1 s longer before crashing, actually leaving time for some error in the Windows Event log. Nothing useful there either as far as I can see.

So I clone the repo and get the required things to compile Rust, and I managed to build it from source at least. The executable doesn't run, but the Run in VS Code works, somehow. It prints the error messages corresponding to missing input. So i try to debug it, but nothing happens. No breakpoint is hit, and nothing is printed in the terminal, unlike when using Run or cargo Run. I can also just strip out everything it does in the file the main function is in, and it will hit breakpoints. But that didn't help me find out what is missing/broken though.

So what the difference, is there a way to catch and prevent Rust from just going silent, and actually tell you what dependencies it failed to load?

My entire reason for getting it running locally is to fix that. Because no one sane wants to deal with a program that doesn't tell you why it will not run... And when debugging also does nothing... I'm out of ideas.

The program is called Av1an for reference, and it's a video encoding tool. I used a python version before they migrated to Rust, and wanted to give it a try again.

Edit: Wrote linked library, but i think the proper term is dynamic libraries. I'm really not good with compiled programs.

Update: Figured it out. Had to copy the out files from the ffmpeg compiled stuff back to the executable. Apparently Cargo Run includes that location when looing for the files, while running from the command line clearly doesn't.

But the biggest whiplash, was that I got a full windows dialog popup when i tried to in the exectuable in CMD instead of Powershell. Told me the exact file I was missing too. I know PowerShell is a bitch when piping stuff, but I'm amazed no other program or error message could hand me that vital information. Fuck me, I wish I had tried that from the start....

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