Shit, meni väärään osoitteeseen puhelimella näppäillessä. Tarkotus oli laittaa internetofshittiin. No keskustelua saa sitten myös suomeksi.
Used corporate fleet laptop like a thinkpad, install linux mint on it.
You can spend so much time finding out which distro is the best for you, but if you don't want to spend that time, just go with mint, it'll do the job.
Don't count on it.
I ignored it since I haven't seen it in context. Is it at the exact same spot?
If it involves many people that are difficult to replace or even just to get rid of, the resulting situation could be called a crisis. I don't think anyone called the naming itself that.
Surely they would...
Sure, I'd judge someone if they bought a new one recently as well, but I think you're being a bit unreasonable. Not everyone can afford to switch cars.
I remember headlines of people burning their Nikes when they learned the company was woke or something. Burn your car mate, that'll show them for sure!
I watched the video. It talked about things I vaguely knew of, and it was interesting to see more context and how they connect together.
I used bonjourr a bit more, here's another line of the weather greeting that really needs improvement:
// - Replaced "highest" with a better fitting synonym, which is generally used for weather
// - The "today" at the end made the sentence flow awkward. Now it says "day's highest" instead, which also a common way to phrase weather forecasts
"with a high of <temp1>° today": "ja päivän ylin lämpötila on <temp1>°",
Think the unit should be included in the temp variables instead?
Audible plop as it comes out.
Having that thing come out would be horrifying, but so would be taking it in. That's some alien shit right there.
Foreigners find it funny for some reason.
You weren't kidding.