So far...
I've been using Mint for years now and I'm blissfully unaware of whatever drama is going on, or went on. It's an OS people, not a vanguard of political or philosophical ideology.
And that difference is…?
Cops in capitalist societies are there to protect private property and little else. This is not the case in socialist states.
The police serve whoever pays them.
So do the workers. This is not saying anything.
That’s an idealist view, just because you say it doesn’t make it true.
It's a material undeniable fact.
why didn’t they do that in the Soviet Union before its dissolution?
The Soviet Union was a decrepit state with poorly principled people all over. You were expecting the police to be the vanguard of maintaining socialism there? This is unserious and silly.
Not at all. It is recognition of an institution that has no revolutionary potential. It is an institution that has historically been instrumental in counter-revolution.
In capitalist societies yes.
Are all traffic lights bastards whether they're in capitalist or socialist societies, since they have power over you? You have some neck to be calling anyone else idealist. You're reeking off anarchist "thought".
I think they'd argue that that's not Chinese polling. And if it was a Chinese poll, it wouldn't be credible. ~Non-falsifiable Parenti quote.~
EDIT: Does the subscript thing not work or what? First time trying it.
It's just impossible to know which is going to be least worst. Just as it's impossible to counterfactually know if Trump had won, where we'd be now. There's no justification to support either. Americans should not participate in the charade.
Posted by "Ukrainian patriot. Advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Founder of the Institute of the Future. Official enemy of Russian propaganda."
Do you condemn the native Americans too for killing “innocent civilians”?
That's what virtually all of the Western genre of movies inculcated me with throughout my childhood and beyond.
Basically, can anybody give me a resource for the anarchist perspective that debunks why, with still a class society, it’s fine to do smash the state day 1 after the revolution?
Nobody can give you this because it's an idealistic nonsense. But you're asking the wrong people anyway. You should ask in an anarchist lemmy. I predict that they won't be able to respond except with dishonesty and self delusion.
"Just because the last 100 articles were bullshit doesn't mean this one is too!"
No. It does.
Roland Boer’s Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
EDIT: Please normalise all book recommendations with links to copies.
My experience with anarchists since the start of this war has completely destroyed any faith I had in it being any kind of honestly held or principled ideology. It's simply a set of excuses for liberals to pretend they're progressives and nothing much more. Jumping from one American imperialist propaganda point to the next seamlessly, from Libya to Xinjiang, Taiwan to Ukraine. It's just a right wing Libertarian's idea of what a leftist is.
I so hope there's more where that came from.