Hah, thanks, I'll consider it tagged so. Take care.
Dehumanising the enemy, literally talking about them as if they don't qualify as human, is an absurdly common approach. It's clearly an effective way of 'other'ing, but it leads to completely unrealistic attitudes like you describe. There's a line that gets crossed between bigging up your team/talking shit about the enemy, and simply losing grasp of reality.
I do think it's an inherently fascistic process, and it's something I still sadly see in the left, including Hexbears, when talking about terrible people and class enemies. Obviously some are speaking in metaphor, but not everyone.
Like you say, these are no-win situations. Sometimes, being void of money is better than going through a torturous hell 40+ hours a week, it's a shit choice, but it can absolutely be the right one.
Brexit was entirely the product of an internal conflict in the bourgeois class, nobody cared whatsoever until it was made into an issue, but a percentage of rich fucks figured they'd get more favourable profits that way, and a different percent wouldn't.
And whenever those bourgeois conflicts happen, the rules stop applying it seems.
I agree fundamentally, but what about the DPRK here is an "obvious lie"?
As always, this makes the faulty assumption that under capitalism, unemployed till workers will go do those things.
We already have vastly more than enough people to do those things, and people working tills is not the reason those things aren't done. So until we fix that reason, I'll take the extra 2 minutes opportunity to get to chat to a fellow human being thanks.
Yes, of course it does???
Putting minorities in media and showing them as respectable equals is not tokenism, and is doubly important to do when real life doesn't reflect that. Rodenberry did not have the power to fucking solve racial oppression, he incorporated all nationalities to showcase the importance and futurism of not being a racist fuck.
Like a reverse sisyphus, you never want to come down the hill.
These people always want the exact same .jpg of a woman's face and boobas, no individualism allowed. Any time even a fictional woman deviates slightly from the almighty hotwoman.jpg then they are deemed political and must be conformed.
TIL humanism is actually impossible because empathy isn't real