[-] Cataphract@lemmy.ml 11 points 1 week ago

jesus, I was hoping for some well thought-out brilliantly hidden metaphor that would help illuminate others understanding of something. This story is just pure bull-shit like an elon musk fanboy literature night.

  • The villagers don't know or can't see the smoke from the fire but must "trust the king" (not how wildfires work, you've made a boogeyman).

  • No one but the kings soldiers are "solving" the problem? Bullshit, it would take the entire kingdom of support to save it.

  • A few villagers will die from the fire the kingdom sets, but it's necessary for the greater good. WTF kinda dystopian bullshit is this? There's no way to inform your citizens of the impending doom?!?

  • "he’d be damned if he was gonna sit on his throne and watch the fire swallow up his whole kingdom". Maybe that's the problem with your entire story. Person is ruling from the throne and not trusted or respected by his community enough to care about a problem they're being presented. The people wouldn't trust his actions because there will be no compensation or reflection for his decisions that effect their life, "well it was for the greater good, so be happy peasant".

[-] Cataphract@lemmy.ml 11 points 3 weeks ago

But he already offered to "Mentor" her personally while being interviewed after the incident, what more do you want from this guy?! /s

[-] Cataphract@lemmy.ml 10 points 3 weeks ago

If you're actually going for real nature, consider your local ecology. Do not by a large pack of wildflowers because those are nationally packed and usually aren't considered native so can be invasive (which can also effect your local wildlife and the plant won't fair as well in extreme's for the area that a local plant would survive). Remember, bugs and animals come back to an area knowing a certain species of plant is there for them to survive or reproduce at, making more competition they aren't familiar with harms their chances.

I would consider letting it grow naturally up and if you really want to do something than let the neighbor know so they stop cutting it down for hay (just make sure you're actually gonna do something with it). Let the natural seeds that distribute get into the area and establish. Learn to take clippings and identify local flora when you see a cool plant you want, like a more scientific pokemon game if that interests you.

I'm doing something similar with some acres the previous owners just continued to massacre with mowing and looked like a barren wasteland. It took a few years for the right establishing plants to grow up and protect the other smaller and more delicate plants but this year is the first year it looks like a natural environment. I've been identifying what each growth is and it's been fascinating researching them. Right now it's a mini bee sanctuary because something is always in bloom and for the times only one plant-type is blooming I'm taking clippings and propagating them elsewhere on the property so there's always a bunch of flowers at any point in the year.

I would start with propping up your local bee community since they survive on their own and you may fall in love with them. I have a bunch of ground and carpenter bee's in my area that I don't want to harm with an invasive colony like the honey bee's. There's also TONS of local honey producers so I just feel like I'm running after a gimmick since it's already available and there are bee groups I can join that go to all the different farms for education and socializing. Any bee person would love some help if you went out and joined them.

If you want to get really technical, there's landscaping creating berms and swales etc. But to get started I suggest watching some Andrew Millison videos as he's great with visuals and knows his stuff when it comes to permaculture. How to Fix a Broken Ecosystem

[-] Cataphract@lemmy.ml 12 points 1 month ago

A bowling ball. Can change some of the script so he catches it before it rolls off the raft but he falls in the water with it. He's too heavy and weak to make it back to the raft so he has to let go and watch it immediately sink or he's taken under too (also a good reference how it's hard to save someone from drowning when you're near drowning yourself). Definitely thought of a dildo first till I saw everyone else put it up though.

[-] Cataphract@lemmy.ml 11 points 1 month ago

I had to look into it because all I was finding was still images or articles that talked about it but didn't have any pictures of it once you clicked into it. It's unfortunately real, this vid has a segment with Rachel Maddow and Jacob Soboroff at the RNC convention last month (where this took place) talking about it and showing them.

That video clip was the only thing I could find and it's on a horrible website, I don't suggest going beyond looking at that video. I spent the past hour trying to find the segment on another site but no one seems to have it (if someone finds the same segment let me know so I can update the link and remove the other one).

[-] Cataphract@lemmy.ml 12 points 1 month ago

First South Asian President lol

[-] Cataphract@lemmy.ml 11 points 1 month ago

Almost 10 comments in this thread and near 400 words from you without one single explanation of WHY Mark Kelly is a bad choice. You're one example of why voters are so uninformed, you would rather argue than present anything credible for others to learn.

[-] Cataphract@lemmy.ml 13 points 2 months ago

You do realize you don't "own" anything on Steam right? Every dollar you give them is towards a "subscription" to play the game.

[-] Cataphract@lemmy.ml 10 points 6 months ago

If you can’t grasp it, that’s on you. It’s also why purity moralizing isn’t useful

oh ok, thanks for the clarification.

If people are not stepping up to do the community management and infrastructure work, I will go with the past of least resistance.

That's basically it in a nut shell, path of least resistance. Doesn't refute any claims made in the article or arguments presented here. Just a shame another company has a stranglehold on a whole category of services that have to be used to participate in society ... while developing FOSS.

[-] Cataphract@lemmy.ml 10 points 6 months ago

I guess we have different perspectives. Ease, convenience = forums, existing userbase? = Do you prefer Reddit for this reason?, familiarity = forums lol, search-ability = forums, privacy = forums, etc etc.

[-] Cataphract@lemmy.ml 11 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Do you feel better that the NSA is spying on Canadians while Canadians spy on US citizens and the two countries exchange what they have on each other’s citizens?

but then,

do we need another traitor to hand over classified data to foreign adversaries to make you aware of it?

Government doing it in secret vs a citizen exposing it? I'm going to back my fellow citizen in this one.

This is happening because it’s the job of the NSA to gather data for intelligence purposes. They will sponge up any data they can legally obtain. And if you agree to data being shared with third parties, you’ve agreed that the data can be shared with the NSA. So it is.

That's some serious bootlicking there, you think they're only collecting "legally" obtained information? Let's also gloss over the anti-consumer practices that companies employ to obtain that sweet third party data on you.

"you’ve agreed that the data can be shared with the NSA. So it is." - JFC you have some weird logic going on in your head. Let's just forget what's required in today's society, the data that has to be shared to perform basic functions like employment now adays. The average citizen is not a privacy expert and no one is educated in K-12 to be consensual informed.

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