[-] Commander_Data@hexbear.net 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Hang in there, comrade. Possible uplifting story below, but tagging it as a spoiler in case you're not in a place to read it rn.

spoilerI got sort of dumped on Valentines Day two years ago. I had some famcy plans with someone I had been dating for about four months who stood me up and ghosted me. I didn't hear from her for a month and she barely offered an apology. Two months later I met someone else for what was supposed to be casual thing but that grew to be a relationship with the most wonderful person I've ever known. We're living together and hopefully spending the rest of our lives together.

[-] Commander_Data@hexbear.net 1 points 2 years ago

The Chicago Black Panther Party was doing intersectionality with feminists, a group of Puerto Rican activists called the Young Lords and poor whites known as the the Young Patriots in the 60s.

There's a decent documentary on it called The First Rainbow Coalition that was produced by the Zinn Project.

[-] Commander_Data@hexbear.net 1 points 2 years ago

The funny thing is, what they call "gifted" is just someone with a really efficient data storage and recall system. I was a "gifted" kid, always 98/99th percentile on every standardized test I took, but when it comes to things like synthesis of knowledge and generating new ideas, the truly creative stuff, I'm average at best. The educational system needs a new definition of gifted, new ways to identify those people and new modes of engagement to help them develop their gifts. That new definition still wouldn't include these guys, though, who believe they're gifted because they see through (((the conspiracy))). Bro, you've got narcissistic personality disorder, sit down and shut up.

[-] Commander_Data@hexbear.net 2 points 2 years ago

Killers picking victims cops don’t care about - they don’t get reported - no serial killer

That was definitely the case of Anthony Sowell, who killed 11 women between 2004-2009 in Cleveland. His victims were all Black women, so nobody cared enough to do anything.

[-] Commander_Data@hexbear.net 1 points 2 years ago

I'm not incriminating anyone, the information is already out there. By defending this person, you are setting yourself up to lose a moral battle that you could never win, which is exactly what these libs of tiktok type people want when they do this.

Read any biography about a black athlete that broke color barriers in the 40s and 50s. Not only did they have to be better at their jobs than 90% of their white peers to even get a shot, they also had to be near perfect human beings to prevent exactly the scenario we see playing out right now. It wasn't right then and it isn't right now, but that's reality. If you're not willing to form a militia and put these reactionaries up against a wall, then these are the parameters in which we have to exist. Frankly, I'd prefer the wall route, but not enough people want to do that or think it's possible, so here we are.

Like it or not, this person was representing a lot of marginalized folks when they took that job and they really fucked things up for a lot of people by stealing shit they had the resources to buy in the first place. It sucks that their identity is being made the focus by bad actors, but we know these are our enemy's tactics and we should act accordingly.

[-] Commander_Data@hexbear.net 1 points 2 years ago

There are news articles from legitimate sources regarding the thefts. Y'all are taking the chuds' bait on this one, it's best not to engage with this at all.

[-] Commander_Data@hexbear.net 1 points 2 years ago

Good thing we've got plenty of trans users here that can throw her in the :pit:

[-] Commander_Data@hexbear.net 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Very few. Both my grandfathers were WWII vets, and they've both been dead at least a decade now. My grandma built F-4s during the war, she's still alive and she will be 101 in March.

[-] Commander_Data@hexbear.net 1 points 2 years ago

lots of trans anarchists out there with zero theory, sadly

[-] Commander_Data@hexbear.net 1 points 2 years ago

Isn't there a big data center or something there? I remember driving through that area in 2020 and seeing a crazy looking sprawling complex that wasn't expressly a military installation, but had far too much security and menacing architecture to be civilian.


Love pic of the Mexican army patrolling the reservoir.

[-] Commander_Data@hexbear.net 1 points 2 years ago

Imagine believing that people are inherently greedy and selfish and believing an economic system that expressly wants to prohibit governments from limiting those behaviors is the way to go.


Killin slave owners is good.


Seriously. How to we get that hell hole removed from the web.


Also, love that the ancom pin is a bestseller on etsy.


I don't think I've managed to get much lysine, but I'm getting food from a deli today, so hopefully it will include some cheese. Other than that it's been pretty complete, nutritionally speaking and I'll probably only spend about $35 to eat for the week.

[-] Commander_Data@hexbear.net 1 points 2 years ago

10k plus words to say, "people are alienated, society is crumbling, and the world has more mental health concerns than anyone realizes".

Effort post, satire (hexbear.net)
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by Commander_Data@hexbear.net to c/history@hexbear.net

So my raging lib professor made us write satirical essays and the entire two weeks we spent on the project I had to hear about how satire was so effective at bringing down terrible dictators like Mao and Stalin. So I wrote a satire that satirizes satire and free speech. Here it is.

An Immodest Proposal

What if I told you that something you probably have in your purse, or the center console of your car could have saved millions of lives? Something that could change history. Would you believe that a pen is the most powerful tool in shaping our world? Or that a few carefully chosen and pointed words could change the course of human events? Most people have heard the maxim the pen is mightier than the sword, but do we understand the power of that phrase?

For as long as human beings have been able to transmute their thoughts into words we have used those words as a cudgel against oppressive power structures. Human history is rife with examples of the power of the pen to topple dictators, change regimes, and free oppressed peoples. For example, famous satirist Jonathan Swift penned his famous piece, "A Modest Proposal" in 1729, critiquing the plight of the Irish people whose island had been colonized by the British. By 1949 the Irish people had mostly gained their independence from the United Kingdom, save a small coastal port region which is likely to be repatriated soon. Without Swift's biting wit it's doubtful Sinn Fein and the Irish Republican Army would have had the wherewithal to campaign over 200 years for their freedom.

The history of twentieth century is a perfect example of the power of words. Oppressive regimes are notorious for their censorship and suppression of any criticism and there is no better illustration of an oppressive regime than the Soviet Union. There are precious few examples of satirical pieces originating from the USSR and it shows in their very bloody history. The USSR under Stalin lost nearly ten million soldiers while defeating Adolph Hitler during World War II. Imagine if the Soviets encouraged dissent and discourse and, instead of the Red Army, had been able to wage a war of words against the Nazi Wehrmacht. Stalin, in his effort to quell any criticism of the Soviet party and of communism needlessly wasted nearly ten million souls. One may argue that the USSR achieved great things; transforming a feudal, disparate territory spread across two continents into a technological superpower in just 30 years, doubling life expectancy, putting the first human being and the first woman in space, but at what cost? The collapse of the USSR and communism in eastern Europe, and consequently, the return of free speech, has led to many years of peace and stability in the region.

Another notorious communist dictator, Mao Zedong, was quoted as saying "political power grows from the barrel of a gun". While there is no doubt that Chairman Mao was successful in liberating the Chinese masses from another backward feudal society, rife with poverty and constantly under threat from the Japanese empire, it again came with a bloody price. Mao is probably best known for the institution of Chinese land reform. Thousands of landlords were either killed or dispossessed of their holdings to create a more equitable distribution of cultivatable land. And while this redistribution dramatically reduced poverty and hunger and persists to this day with China holding the top spot for percentage of homeownership in the world, one could argue that a campaign of strongly worded letters and acerbic dialogue could have accomplished the same result without resorting to violence.

Conversely, liberal western countries often do promote the free exchange of ideas. For example, the United States has this tenet enshrined in its Constitution. Western newspapers are replete with pundits penning op-eds critical of both their own and other governments. It is by no accident that the bastion of free speech, the United States of America, is the leading exporter of democracy in the world. Throughout the 60s and 70s, by the power of words, the US was able to stem the expansion of socialism in Central and South America and establish stable governments which persist to this very day. This benevolent spirit continues through to the modern era, with the US joining forces with other western democracies to extoll the values of free speech and independent thought to the Middle East. Through the power of the pen, the western world has been able to transmit these unassailable values to every continent on the planet, resulting in a more equitable and just world.

The power of words, and more importantly the freedom to share these words, even when they are critical of power structures, has been a positive force shaping the world we live in. Without a doubt, the values of the west have proven that to effect real political change power does not indeed flow from the barrel of a gun, but from the tip of a pen.

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