Aww I love Ollie! I have a long-haired chihuahua who looks just like that. <3
That's rough, oof!
Those ear tufts! <3
I'm a sucker for that face. Just adorable:)
That is so gross
I like how when coaches give canned diplomatic answers it's not good enough, yet when they say it like it is, that's also a problem. I respected how AP kept it real. Fuck an apology.
Couples in which men participate more in housework typically done by women report having sex less frequently. Similarly, couples in which men participate more in traditionally masculine tasks—such as yard work, paying bills, and auto maintenance—report higher sexual frequency.
Hmm. As a lady, I can see that. Sharing housework probably makes everybody too samey samey, boring, therefore less attractive. Highlighting differences probably works like opposites attract. Like ooh, you're so good at doing this thing that I can't. So sexy! Something something lizard brain?
Moxxi is swallowing hard salivating but she's also a good girl so she's gonna wait til the food's given to her xD
Wow he is more than a nugget LOL that is a big boy😂
My partner and best friend, the fact that I'm off work for the next few days, that I've got stuff in the fridge to whip up some ramen because that's what I've been craving!
That's South Dakota! :) Erm, that's the extent of my knowledge about the Dakotas lol