I try not to let the words fascists use interfere with how I view the world and the people in it.
Well, yeah, it's conservativism
Just Nelson laugh at them
There are no anchor babies, there's just people having kids where they want to live.
Fair enough, a third of Americans are fascists and a third are too beaten down or stupid to care.
Gen X voted for Trump in greater numbers. We need to admit that half of Americans just fucking suck in general.
Carter was the first neoliberal president. You can disagree with that statement but it just means you don't know what the term means.
As the best of the bunch, the only one who actually seemed to believe you need to do good things in private to balance out your destruction of the social safety net and that the corruption wasn't the point in itself, it might be a little sad that he saw its inevitable conclusion when he was too old and sick to change his mind and do something about it but it's still a fitting legacy.
Well, he is. He just knows the suckers aren't in on it.
Because while liberals have a vague, uselessly imprecise understanding of what some unimportant words mean, like liberal and socialist, the conservative base holds knowing things in active contempt and the leadership likes to keep them that way.
Where's the vote option for "good point but what the hell bro, get therapy"
I know they're a bunch of dumb bastards but that line always makes me laugh, like they think that because Canada is a (sovereign) state it isn't already broken up into provinces and should at least become ten states.