People are mad at Americans collectively because collectively your culture let this happen--so what people want to see is the slightest inkling that you understand the nature of the problem, have a sense of responsibility about it, and are shifting your mindsets to do something about it.
Coming online to whine at Canadians doesn't inspire confidence that you get it.
Personally, I'm just hoping that I'm what I'm seeing online is not representative of what Americans are doing because yeah... Some of the online American response I have been seeing... Woof.
Yeah, I have only been able to find American spinach so no spinach for me.
Here are some ideas:
- Do a risk assessment for your specific situation and relationships and work to reduce your risk
- Form stronger bonds with people in your community
- Read history and the mechanisms of similar situations
- Work to reduce fascists radicalization where you can (hint: probably not online)
- Stop enabling whiny "there's nothing we can do" bullshit
Complaining to other countries? /s
Definitely agree that the faster fascism gets interrupted the better. 👍🏻
My dude, if things get worse Canadians are not going to be in a position to offer anything. All this trade war shit will annihilate our economy, for a start. And if we get invaded, how can we help? This is like Russians asking Ukrainians for aid.
I mean, realistically, people will figure things out on a local level if and when it happens, but it doesn't sound like you have thought through the implications of where things could be going.
They have a strong individualist consumer culture. If they can't individually consume their way out of it, many of them think they've done everything they can.
That's why I'm here.
Conservatism used to be about fiscal responsibility and political stability (don't downvote me for explaining this, I've never voted conservative).
But yeah, it's been hijacked by emotionally volitaile reactionists.