Für die Nudelchronik: Wie fühlt sich die erste als Moderator ausgesprochene Verwarnung an und können wir nun mit einer größenwahnsinnigen Terrorherrschaft ihrer seits rechnen?

Sieht leider nicht so aus, aber ich hab vllt noch die CD.

Oooh Ich hab das Spiel geliebt, aber nie verstanden. Mal schauen ob das auf neumodischen Rechenknechten läuft.

[-] Dunstabzugshaubitze@feddit.org 30 points 6 days ago

Ausserdem ist der Konflikt entstanden weil die ~~Kleinorks~~ Menschen aus Neid, Missgunst und wegen des Einfluss der Elffaschisten staatliches Eigentum von Mordor geraubt und das Land verwüstet haben. Diese sogenannten freien Völker sind Unterdrücker Mordors und ganz Mittelerdes!

well, i don't own one currently, but pics i saw from the om5 looked good to me this article has some low light examples for the om5 and i cant remember it being a point of critic when i was reading up on reviews when i was looking for a camera, so i'd guess you'll be fine.

i actually bought a lumix s5ii, a full frame camera, and regret it sometimes a little bit due to the weight, bulk and price of some lenses and i'd probably buy a om1 in retrospect.

for receipts and such paperless ngx is good. that won't track your repairs or inform of you of likely maintenance problems, but that and a spread sheet sounds like a good start.

[-] Dunstabzugshaubitze@feddit.org 31 points 2 weeks ago

germany has an official repeating two week long meal plan which allways ends with pizza day. not adhering to the official plan is considered a crime and could be punished with two years in jail, a fine of 200 000 € or in especially bad cases with the revocation of ones drivers license.

nah, apparently the user works on sundays and get pizza at their workplace, but not today.

[-] Dunstabzugshaubitze@feddit.org 18 points 2 weeks ago

pizza day was canceled so they made those memes.

[-] Dunstabzugshaubitze@feddit.org 8 points 2 weeks ago

there is no "undefined" in java. this would either be a map containing the key value pair ("name", null) or it would be mapped to an object of some class with an attribute "name" which can hold a null value. in any case {} wont equal {"name":null}.

[-] Dunstabzugshaubitze@feddit.org 10 points 2 weeks ago

this was the idea of slightly drunk teens, so our only prop was a dining plate for the steering wheel, but we sure gave our best to sound like a car.

Iam sure our attempt failed because one back seat passenger was lagging behind.

[-] Dunstabzugshaubitze@feddit.org 23 points 2 weeks ago

three friends and me pretending to be a car were denied service at the McDrive once.

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