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Channels on PeerTube are the same thing as communities on Lemmy. Older content won't show up, but as long as someone on your server is subscribed, new ones should come over.
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Channels on PeerTube are the same thing as communities on Lemmy. Older content won't show up, but as long as someone on your server is subscribed, new ones should come over.
The most frustrating part is that both the republican senators and house members KNOW this makes no sense, but they don't have the balls to say anything. Our government is so fucked.
The website you would go to in your desktop browser is
I’m too old for this to matter, but is somebody really expected check the ToS of the server the community they’re posting in is on, or is this just a CYA kind of thing?
Federation makes this untenable.
I can't speak for everyone here obviously, but absolutely!
This is the first time I'm seeing the server... neat! Welcome to the Fediverse (Threadiverse)!
Perhaps I was too quick to answer this due to seeing your other questions, but it seemed like you're just trying to change your wording to get people to agree with you.... to me.
To me it seems that you're wanting to run a social experiment in the threadiverse without actually disclosing that you're running a social experiment, while flaunting the community norms of marking bots (voluntarily).
I’m starting to think this account is the LLM experiment. A poor one, though. It just keeps saying the same thing and not accepting new information.
I don’t understand why you want to do this so badly? I don’t care how a bot responds. Why would I want to have a conversation with one on social media?
Our dogs had to hop like bunnies when we went out this morning and they’re medium sized. It’s a new experience for all of us, being from Texas where we rarely get an inch on “snow days”.
First time I'm seeing Neat!