Might ask sauerkraut the same question comparing to cabbage
It's a 9-person study. This is like the articles about bone density loss for these drugs (same as losing significant weight any other way, mitigated by exercise).
These articles blow up and are widely shared due to our thirst for comeuppance, that people taking a "shortcut" will end up getting cancer someday and look like fools.
I believe these drugs aren't without risk and these links should be studied, but it would have to be orders of magnitude more prevalent to offset the good it's done.
I find the kneejerk cravings for scary downsides to be on par with Big Tobacco vape messaging or vaccine skepticism, and, at its root, I think it has some Puritanical holier-than-thou elements since the fatties didn't suffer or risk enough.
Edit: This isn't directed at the scientists, rather the concern trolling on social media.
Also Digg for those who remember
Standing is flimsy and pliable. They use it to not hear cases they should have and vice versa on a regular basis.
Well they are two separate vehicles coupled together, so it's two manufacturers who must cooperate.
Checked at the right time for an update
Taking the trip then not moving is just costing their marketing dollars and worsening the conversion.
I'd take a free trip almost anywhere.
I use cash app and it's free, or at least it was last year.