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[–] EvilZ@thelemmy.club 1 points 2 months ago
[–] EvilZ@thelemmy.club 11 points 2 months ago (3 children)

Well.... Would we bring back jobs such as producing copper pipes....

We mine it and send it to China and pay incredibly high prices for a product that we produce in vast quantities....

The same goes for clothing and food let's face it...

We produce enough dairy for our needs, the smae for wheat and wood....

So... We could be auto sufficient.... But prices would rise... But jobs would also be in higher quantities

[–] EvilZ@thelemmy.club 1 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Well I think the real question should be, why isn't the democratic party being sued for preventing other political parties from presenting themselves....

The issue is that with a two party system it permits bit sides to take its population for granted..... No real competition

[–] EvilZ@thelemmy.club 0 points 2 months ago

Je pense aussi au fait que les municipalités ont des employés ayant des salaires qui sont incroyables...

Notre maîtresse de Longueuil est payé le même salaire ou à peu près à celui du premier ministre du Québec.....

[–] EvilZ@thelemmy.club 35 points 2 months ago (3 children)

What is sad is that such a child will grow up in that same culture and way of thinking ...

This is the problem, such individuals will delight in pushing their agenda on kids...

[–] EvilZ@thelemmy.club 3 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Encore une autre conséquence lorsque des bureaucrates ne font que regarder leurs nombril....

On parle d'immigration comme étant la source mais en fait l'on voit qu'il ya une augmentation en flèche du prix du logement de même que la valeur immobilière.... Le problème est que ces bureaucrates n'ont pas de conséquences.

Imaginons si nous avions permis la construction de nombre de logement en corrélation avec le nombre de nouveau arrivant plus 10%....


[–] EvilZ@thelemmy.club 1 points 2 months ago

Lol of I was with that CEO in the trolley I would have probably pushed him off a long time ago, sticks or not....

I do believe that billionaires are evidence of abuse to the extreme.

I do not see the difference between a billionaire and a slave owner because in actuality as most people have said previously, they have gained their wealth through the suffering of others.

I wish the government would tax them for at least a fifth of there salary considering no one needs a billion dollar to live, it's pure fantasy

[–] EvilZ@thelemmy.club 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

@Donkter@lemmy.world Well... I hope to find one, honestly.... I really don't know. I just don't feel comfortable with glorifying murder, even if the CEO deserved it.

I hope someone that is smarter then I am will find a better way that won't throw the United States into further division.... My concern is that Billionaires will use this murder as an excuse to hire private militias (not the cops but mercenaries like black water) which would lead to civil war.... Perhaps far fetched..... Who knows

[–] EvilZ@thelemmy.club 4 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I always refer to my professor of philosophy : George Carlin


[–] EvilZ@thelemmy.club 2 points 2 months ago

Well to be fair when someone speaks in such a polite manner I tend to assume the worst of them.

As a French Canadian I do not support capitalism in its current form. I think we need to abandon our capitalist roots and create a new hybrid system which makes it more balanced but also, I would say I am. Living in a country where corporations don't have as much power. You are right, I am not an American so I haven't live what you have however I know that it's current system is bull.

As a personal note I have always supported Bernie Sanders however there is a huge portion of Americans who chose to close their eyes one hat is going on. I tend to follow the George Carlin philosophy to doubt my leaders good intentions while also taking personal responsibilities for the leader we have.

It's very easy to say that politics is shit but hard to actual do something about it.

How many time has Senator Sanders been rejected and yet he still comes back and I respect him for that, always will be user he is the type of leader America needs if the democratic party wasn't as broken.... I don't care for the republicans either as they have become a religious cult......

Anyway, sorry if I became personal, it was not justified. All the best to you and your family. Quebec and Vermont have always shared similar vakurdt

[–] EvilZ@thelemmy.club 0 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Well then, how about doing the same with the rest of the world...its been my experience that Americans love dedicating the rules to everyone else, including invading them but are far too sensitive to see their own flaws and accept criciticism from other countries.... It's not surprising that lost senators don't even have a passport....

I don't have more to add to this discussion. Happy holidays and best of luck.

[–] EvilZ@thelemmy.club 1 points 2 months ago

And yet, for someone who is so enlightened you lash out and name call me instead of actually debating with me.

That is on you, I did not personally attack you until you did.

That is as far as I well go on this discussion.

Best of luck

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