Why Americans are suddenly so touchy about their school shootings, obesity and healthcare?
People keep saying this but Rust is not only about memory safety. It's not C with memory safety sprinkled on top. Compare with C and C++ it has better tooling and dependency management, it's easier to create modules and organize your code, it's easier to write tests and it has loads of nice, modern language features like algebraic types and typeclasses. Because of all this Rust is growing fast and a lot of people like it. Writing things in Rust is a bet that more people will get behind them and you will be able to add more features faster to them than to existing projects in C. The idea is not to simply do the same but in Rust. It is to have a cleaner, easier to approach codebase that will allow to grow faster in the future.
cat /dev/urandom | grep "dickhead"
The worst part is that it usually follows well known cycle of:
- project is estimated at $10b, government assigns $10b
- private companies spend it on consultants and analysis, little gets built
- government agrees to invest another $5b but requires cuts to the initial scope
- with reduced scope projected passengers numbers drop, project is less attractive
- repeat until cost is 1000% of the initial estimate and usefulness is 0. cancel project
Tiny bit of backstory: I work in Spain so there's a lot of kissing on the chicks when greeting someone. Spanish people kiss twice, in western countries people kiss 3 times so sometimes there's a bit of confusion. Anyway, once a girl from Romania met a French co-worker next to my desk. Typical greeting and she says:
- How do French people kiss?
The guy got a little bit confused and says:
- Trust me, you don't want me to show you how the French kiss...
Not really related but I found it extremely funny.
I don't watch true crime because it always felt like exploitation to me.
I don't get it. So someone let 11 yo kid use internet unmonitored and it's the Internet's fault? Isn't it up to parents to know when their kid can go on the internet alone?
Fine the fuckers till the fuckers ain't fine.
Fun fact: G in GNU also stands for GNU.
It's a better, more modern language in general. It has way better tooling (better, more user friendly compiler, better package manager), really good set of modern features (null-safety, good error handling, type-classes, algebraic types), it's easier to modularize your code (workspaces, modules). Rust does a lot of things right and is fun to work with. That's why it's the most liked language overall. It's not hype, it really is that good. It will just make working on the kernel easier. And on top of that it offers some memory safety and concurrency features.
P.S. I forgot about amazing documentation. Again, way better then what you can find for C.
P.P.S Zero cost abstractions.
It's amazing how few people know this very basic fact about EU regulation yet are so quick to criticize it. Internet in a nutshell I guess...
Jon is how I got sucked into US politics all those years ago. He was amazing. Look at me now, knowing things about stuff and all. Thanks Jon!