[-] Feyter@programming.dev 17 points 3 months ago

My best advice is:

Don't listen too much about what strangers on the Internet say you should do or use.

Non of us has statistics to pull from. Mostly it's individual experience mixed with personal preferences. All that could be different for someone else. E.g. some people will have problems with Nvidia, other with AMD.

Stick to the basic and add fancy stuff later on.

Don't pick a distribution because of the Desktop environment. Or because someone said it has a nifty feature. People create new distros all the time just for fun and not because there would be a real reason for it. Looking on the release cycle would probably be the most basic decision you should take. Read about the differences between "rolling release" and "long time support" and decide base on you personal use case.

Have a backup strategy

This is nothing limited to Linux but since you are planing to switch your habits, there is a high possibility you will mess up at some point. Best would be you try to stimulate the worst case and look if you would be able to setup your system in a VM or something.

Don't be afraid to try things out

Especially when you know that your backup is working. There is not much you can lose. Don't be afraid of using Arch Linux e.g. just because someone on the Internet said it's just for pros or something.

So this last one is maybe just the consequences of all the above. But yeah I guess that's all I could say for now 😅

[-] Feyter@programming.dev 16 points 8 months ago

I love this kind of features, that are not that hard to implement but brings you so much.

[-] Feyter@programming.dev 12 points 8 months ago

To be fair this is not a Reddit thing and it can be found in the fediverse too. I can remember some of such situations where a person just posted wrong stuff but in a very confident way. I was able to prove him wrong later but nobody cared anymore.

[-] Feyter@programming.dev 17 points 8 months ago

Can someone explain in short what problem people had about Omegle?

Was it that you can say things (and show things) there to a random person without any good possibility to trace it back to you because it's anonymous and more "temporary" then something like Lemmy for example?

Or was it just a witch hunt without any real reasonable structure?

[-] Feyter@programming.dev 13 points 8 months ago

In general I would recommend any Debian derivate for beginners that just don't care about how their computer is operating. So if this is really just a question regarding eight Fedora or Linux Mint then I would say Linux Mint because it's a Debian derivative.

That's simply because chances are high stat you will at least find a Deb package for any proprietary software you might want to use. Making it "easier" for the user.

If you install the system for your friend you're free to change the Desctop environment to everything you want.

[-] Feyter@programming.dev 16 points 8 months ago

This is a reference to an original star war movie poster, if you wonder why it looks familiar.

[-] Feyter@programming.dev 17 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Actually mastodon is the more viable option for journalist, because you're not depending on the good will of a company (or some rich people in control of it) to not block you or restrict where you can be seen and where not.

It's just that so many people don't care about this.

[-] Feyter@programming.dev 13 points 11 months ago

I thought that's what GIF was created for... Even if the original introduction of it is saying something completely different.

[-] Feyter@programming.dev 17 points 11 months ago

I'm always suspicious if someone argues pro Contents Filter with "protection of children" as the main argument...

[-] Feyter@programming.dev 15 points 1 year ago

There is a opened feature wish for this https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/issues/3071

However I think with all the other (maybe more important) stuff on the line I think it will take a while.

[-] Feyter@programming.dev 13 points 1 year ago

Pro Tip:

Don't just watch other people doing stuff in a video and replicate it. Make your own project, think about what needs to be done and then explicitly search for answers to your questions.

Game Dev is even more about identifying tasks then it is about solving them.

[-] Feyter@programming.dev 15 points 1 year ago

I assume she was excited about all the cool stuff you could make with it and found out it was actually just a cake... Would be disappointed too.

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