[-] Flemmy@lemmy.world 3 points 11 months ago

Good news! There's one simple solution to all that - you just have to get governments to do their job and have them make sure the corporations exist because they benefit the people, instead of the way we're doing it now

Just 1 easy step!

[-] Flemmy@lemmy.world 5 points 1 year ago

That ship has sailed... So many sites don't actually change pages, they just load different data - it's way faster and looks better

Problem is, the back button takes you off the site no matter where you are, so now you can change the URL and change the history through code to have the best of both worlds

Then, there's the people who do it badly, and there's the people who think "hey, if you need pro StarCraft level clicking speed to back out of my site, maybe for some reason that will make them decide to stay"

[-] Flemmy@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

I like karma - gamification is fun, humans like watching number go up

I think the answer is to localize it. Maybe community/server based, maybe make it bleed off with time, maybe do all of these and use statistics to come up with a way to make the metric useful somehow

What we don't need is karma done badly, and there's a lot of far more important things to worry about first - I think we should put it way on the back burner and wait for an elegant proposal for how to handle it

[-] Flemmy@lemmy.world 9 points 1 year ago

There's also a way to add matrix usernames to Lemmy accounts, so it's possible to make an app that ties the two together. Is that a feature people would care about?

[-] Flemmy@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago

Probably something with sundials. ~6am going up to 12 at noon, then going 1-6pm if night and day are equal (I've never actually seen a sundial and I'm sure people got clever with them as time went on)

I mean a sundial doesn't even track hours so much as daylight before and after noon

[-] Flemmy@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

That's funny, I did the opposite - I got used to developing on osx, then Linux, but that was always on my work computer - my desktop has always been Windows (I'm still using the same license and chassis from the computer I bought in high school a decade and a half ago).

Then I burnt out hard, and started picking up contracts here and there, but didn't have the money to pick up a second computer powerful enough for gaming or work. So I ran virtualbox and avoided cmd like the plague for a while... It was driving me nuts, so I made plans to run Linux with Windows in a hypervisor - I was looking at pci passthrough so I could give it direct access to the graphics card.

But then wsl came out and it just didn't seem as important. Even as Linux gaming has grown, I just haven't felt the need to switch... It's sometimes finicky and setting everything up on a new computer is a pain, but the only time I considered switching one of my machines over is setting up LLMs - that was a real pain to coax into working, and it'd run better on Linux

[-] Flemmy@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago

I made 2 posts on Reddit, one was a meme about my friend jumping over me to see my username, the other was some random text post. Thousands of comments though

It's just not in my nature... So much so that I'm trying to release a Lemmy app tonight, and I just remembered I haven't started on the ability to post...

Everything else came easy to me - you should be able to click on anything, everything should stay where you left it... But I have no idea how people want to post. I should probably just do it now before I overthink it

[-] Flemmy@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago

Like what? I'm about to launch an app just in time for the shutdown, my goal is to capture this wave and spread them out. If I haven't covered it already, I'll see if I can take care of it today

[-] Flemmy@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

NAH (excluding cheating obviously)

Having gone through a very similar situation, I'll just say that I don't know if there's a right answer - I think they'd find out eventually, but a few years to let it fade would've hurt their relationship with their mom less

And unless she sucks as a mother, that isn't going to make their lives easier.

At the same time, maybe hearing it from her will make it easier to move past it, or maybe they would have blamed both of you and tainted both relationships... Who knows?

I would've told you to wait until they had a little more life experience to temper the blow, but it's a judgement call. Neither option is right or wrong - they didn't necessarily need to know, but it is also the truth behind an event that will change the course of their life.

You're their parents, and your only responsibility towards them is to do what's best for them. Even if I had all the facts, it's not obvious what that is - it's a judgement call

[-] Flemmy@lemmy.world 9 points 1 year ago

Yeah, people will do something just for fun, to profit personally, or to spite someone

The moment they realize someone is making money off it, they start getting FOMO - humans are very loss adverse. No one wants to miss out on free money

But what if they had turned around and said, "fine, we'll start hiring you guys. You'll get paid hourly, but you'll have to do the proper paperwork, be given guidelines from corporate, reviewed on your performance regularly, and you might be relocated to undermoderated subs"?

Most of them wouldn't be into it - they don't actually want to work for Reddit, they just don't like feeling like someone else is sitting back and living off their work while they get nothing. The reality is, they're not doing a job, and they generally don't want to be (there's a difference between a job and work, especially work that benefits others vs a job protecting the cash cow)

When someone does a service for you, you act grateful and offer them lemonade and gift cards, you don't try to turn it into a job, and you sure as hell don't break their tools and ask when they'll get back to work

[-] Flemmy@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

I was using wefwef, it looks nice but it's slow and has awkward UX. Every time I want to reply or vote, I have to take a second to think about which way to swipe

I think you're into something about not complete or not good - I was hoping to be one of the firsts, but building a solid foundation takes time - I could've gotten something out there a week ago, but I've got big plans - I want to build discovery and sorting into the app, I want to be able to pull from multiple servers at once, and I want users new to Lemmy to have their hands held as they pick a server. And obviously, it has to feel responsive

To do that I had to build a data store and coax high performance libraries to play nice. I was pulling posts and had the account switching working on day 1, but I didn't even start on posting until a couple days ago - and only after I made drafts that would reload when you go back

It's easy to build something rough, fast, or inefficient Building something polished means working on the foundations, building it up, and doing and redoing things as you consider what feels "right"

Give Flemmy a shot in a few days if you're on Android (more like a couple weeks on iphone). It's still early days and there will be bugs and missing features, but, now that the groundwork is solid, it's moving fast

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