8,000 v. 8,000. A star and a reinforced point from Smoke Jaguar take on 5 IS merc mechs with 2 light Clan mechs as isorla. Cored the Bushwacker early before my Mad Dog was distracted by lights in the rear. The Atlas was just getting into the fight when we had to call it. Could have gone either way. Still super pumped for next game.

[-] GlitchyDigiBun@lemmy.dbzer0.com 39 points 4 months ago

I'm 99% sure this is totally in regards to software/Steam. Valve's HW/FW departments are 🔥


I'm looking to get inspiration for my own writing. I need a hard sci fi series where earth (and earthlike worlds) are too rare, inaccessible, and/or previously spoiled beyond ability to sustain life. Bonus points if it is set on a multi-generational space station or starship without any other options and goes into detail about life support, living space, mineral mining and expansion of the station to accomodate a growing population, and daily life of it's residents.

If anyone remembers Drifter Colonies from Titan A.E., that's what's in my head.

I'm looking for The Martian levels of realism, and I'm fine with a bit of "Unobtanium" clichés if they're not core to the story.

[-] GlitchyDigiBun@lemmy.dbzer0.com 59 points 5 months ago

Some retired old fart who can't be bothered to learn fancy-schmancy Web 2.0. Rock on like it's '93

[-] GlitchyDigiBun@lemmy.dbzer0.com 58 points 7 months ago

To be clear, you too go into a coma when your core body temperature gets low enough, the vibration just staves it off

[-] GlitchyDigiBun@lemmy.dbzer0.com 45 points 8 months ago

My favorite thing is to have them define "woke." When they can't because it's only a buzzword to them, I explain it means "waking up" to the idea that you're not the only human being with a purpose-filled life, that there are others for whom the system is built to deal a bad hand, and that the most ironic part is that 9 times out of 10 the individual I'm speaking to is not on the list of the "system's chosen."


Looks like a stand up fight, Commander. 2 companies facing off with equal odds of success. Home-fielders on base have 4 lances plus infantry and aerospace in support, while our attacking force wields equal lances plus armor, jump infantry, and an aerospace fighter in support.

They have the wall advantage on our side, Commander, but I guess the base didn't want lake-maintainance in their budget. We've got a nice cool spot right near our IF# nest egg. We can use both to great effect.

The enemy is afforded more cover, but their greater defense area may be to their detriment, only time will tell.

As always, I'll prepare an after action report to keep you updated on the ongoing fluid strategic state of the modern 3049 battlefield. I have a feeling this data will be sorely needed very soon...

[-] GlitchyDigiBun@lemmy.dbzer0.com 42 points 9 months ago

I think I preemptively trained myself against VR sickness by playing halo CE on my OG Xbox while running on the treadmill in like 2005

[-] GlitchyDigiBun@lemmy.dbzer0.com 61 points 9 months ago

It makes sense if you're in an industry with hotspot flare-ups. I work MSP IT and those morning meeting are the way my team asks for help on pressing issues, or rings the alarm bells on business impacting outages. Additionally, Tier I helpdesk and Tier III projects never communicate, so the SUM is where T1 hears about where projects are at (in case they get the breakfix for that item) and T3 knows how swamped T1 is and what mobile techs are out, and T2 gets a chance to tell us if the flow from T1 and T3 into the "escalation sandwich" is too much. And we genuinely have it down pat to 5-10min.

Don't get me wrong, I've had shitty SUM requirements, but when they're done right, it's better than a state of the union email/Teams message.


Setting up for an epic 44x38in 800PV face-off in preparation for our campaign using these forces. More to follow...

[-] GlitchyDigiBun@lemmy.dbzer0.com 36 points 10 months ago

Im so radicalized, I might vote Neoliberally, woahhhh~ i make compromises with existing powers, oooooo~ I understand that people with different views than me can be reasonable people, ooooh~ spooky ghost hands

Hexbear is naïve, clinging to foundational theory without understanding the basic tenant of people. If you adopt a lick of psychology or sociology, you quickly understand how no one theory ever solves anything, and antagonizing people into your movement is not a way to turn hearts.

[-] GlitchyDigiBun@lemmy.dbzer0.com 34 points 10 months ago

If we went carbon neutral today, things would continue to worsen for an estimated 50-70 years before correcting. Only going significantly carbon negative solutions will have the rapid, desired effect, and that's nigh impossible.


4 contestants, 16 mechs. You kill a unit, you keep it. Your unit survives, you keep it. Kill the meat, save the metal. 1 mech repair bay behind CR6 walls to refill armor.

Results: PV-predicted outcome, but several interesting ad hoc lance compositions came into play, with speed generally dictating how lances were broken up. Game was halted in time for 4th place to retain their remaining 2 mechs.

Highlight: Axman boxcars the Wraith with a blade to the cockpit, earning second place from the kingmaker.

[-] GlitchyDigiBun@lemmy.dbzer0.com 53 points 11 months ago

It's very sad. I'm fortunate that it was the opposite for me. Born into a hyper-conservative Catholic family, then when 3 out of 4 of their children wound up LGBTQ, they realized that God might have been telling them something. They're extremely and refreshingly Christ-like, and total allies. They treat my same-sex fiancé as their full-blown in-law.


2 opposing assault lances deployed on turn 4, but by then, one of my infantry platoons died in a building collapse, and the other was gunned down by VTOLs. I couldn't take the objective, but dealt more PV destruction overall, leaving my opponent with a Pyhhric Victory.


It does not protect them from social consequence, just government reprisal.

Forcing Reddit, by law, to delete any and all data associated with your account. If you do this, make sure to specify that your request includes all posts and comments as you believe they contain "personally identifiable information" that you do not trust Reddit to keep safe. It forces them to use a lot of resources and kills any reason for you to relapse on your adiggtion



This is not at all a request to do so if you're uncomfortable, but do you think that you might disclose running-costs and donation income publicly? I believe you, but it might be nice to see the red-line and where we're heading growth-wise. What projected hardware costs may become as you expand. Obviously much of that is private and it's entirely up to you.



submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by GlitchyDigiBun@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/battletech@lemmy.world

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