[-] GooberEar@lemmy.wtf 18 points 1 day ago

Lemming is the correct answer, but I'll also accept Lemmin' mostly because I'd love for there to be some kind of meet-up, like a Lemmin' Party or something.

[-] GooberEar@lemmy.wtf 6 points 1 day ago

I wouldn't have thought it would be so quiet, what with the coffins.

[-] GooberEar@lemmy.wtf 5 points 1 day ago

When I was a kid, I watched this and Labyrinth so much. I'm pretty sure I have both on dvd if not bluray. I feel like I need to pull them out.

[-] GooberEar@lemmy.wtf 4 points 1 day ago

Children of Men is so good. I love this thread because I'm seeing mentions of so many great movies that I used to watch all the time but I realize it's been ages since I've last seen them.

[-] GooberEar@lemmy.wtf 6 points 1 day ago

I love this movie! So much fun.

[-] GooberEar@lemmy.wtf 7 points 1 day ago

Yes, yes, yes. I don't get to watch it often these days, but it's always so much fun. Now go away, I'm baitin'.

[-] GooberEar@lemmy.wtf 7 points 1 day ago

Grandma’s Boy

I haven't seen that movie in ages, but I have watched it many times. The scene that really gets me is when they clean under the sofa and there are numerous cat carcasses.

[-] GooberEar@lemmy.wtf 14 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I don't have a cat.

I have a weird-ish cat that sometimes follows me on my walks. I'm his best friend when we're hiking buddies. When I see him on the trail, he's all meowing at me, rubbing up against my legs trying to get me to pet him. And if I stop petting him, he bites me. So that makes me think I'm special.

But, if I happen to go over to my neighbor's house (his owner), he won't come near me. He runs off if I try to speak to him or coax him to come over to me.

Till next time I see him on the trail, and we're back to love bites and heavy petting.

[-] GooberEar@lemmy.wtf 15 points 1 day ago

Fellas, does women having normal biological functions make you feel homosexual?

[-] GooberEar@lemmy.wtf 14 points 1 day ago

When you think of it, so many of them are immigrants. They don't belong in our suburbs. They don't belong in our homes. They should go back to the desert where they belong. But no, instead they're pricking us with their thorns and I shudder to think what they're doing to our pets and the wildlife.

[-] GooberEar@lemmy.wtf 7 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Where I live, the indoor smoking bans started in the early 2000s. Before then, people that went to bars and clubs ended the night smelling like cigarette smoke whether they themselves were smokers or not. Sometimes even eating out at a restaurant would leave you smelling like a smoker. Back in those days, though, I was still so used to it that dealing with it was second nature.

For most of my life the smell didn't really bother me, but I've found that within the past 5 years or so it does.

As a child, I guess I just grew up with it, so it didn't bug me much. I hated being teased about it at school, which was a regular thing. I also used to hate how the tar would build up on the walls of our house to the point where it would form tear-like patterns. My parents kept an otherwise reasonably clean and tidy house, but for some reason THAT didn't bother them, so periodically I'd spend a few hours scrubbing our walls to get rid of the stains and cut down on the smell a bit.

[-] GooberEar@lemmy.wtf 12 points 1 day ago

My parents ,much of my family, as well as most of their friends smoked indoors, in their cars, and even in restaurants. Despite living in near poverty for parts of my childhood, they chain smoked cartons of cigarettes a week. Must have been expensive.

I wish I could say that they stopped smoking, but no. The worst part for them isn't even the fact that they know that it has taken at least a decade or more off their lives. It's the realization at how much they are missing out on near the end of their lives and how difficult it is living with debilitating health issues from smoking. They simply cannot do what other people their age take for granted.

And to the title of the post: Yes, I was the kid in the car while my parents chain smoked cigarettes. Sometimes they rolled the windows down, though I'm not sure if that was better since it meant the ashes and red hot "cherry" would inevitably come flying back in and smack me in the face.

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