Having a proxy governments in Iraq and Lebanon can’t be cheap. US ‘embassy’ in Iraq can house 16 000 staff and the one they’re building in Lebanon can house 5 000 staff.
Vaush is a pedo apologist.
The piggies are getting scared
Browsing lemmy as a marginalised person is very frequently not a comfortable experience :/
Asian women generally face a lot more sexual harassment in western countries than white women because of the idea people have that they’re submissive and ‘traditional’ and won’t defend themselves. If you can’t imagine being fetishised is a bad thing you have serious issues with empathising.
Dating someone who fetishises you means they don’t care about your personality or other traits except for the trait they fetishise. They’ll try to fit you into a racial mould you probably don’t belong to just to satisfy their weird fantasies. They do not care that they hurt you in the process because you’re not a person to them.
Did you forget about the previous Polish fascist piss government? Or Hungary, Italy, The Netherlands, and there’s probably more that I’m forgetting.
Yeah I’m not surprised but I am disgusted by the misogyny of this post and the comments.
Fair, idk what kind of people she surrounds herself with nowadays
She’s a bit weird and drawn towards the aesthetics of technofascism. She’s not a nazi though.
No this is all bs. Democrats abandoned it’s left-leaning voterbase by appealing to their donors and changing their campaign message from focusing on combatting wealth inequality and attacking the weird antitrans rhetoric to working together with republicans (???) and amplifying racist xenophobic rethoric more by constantly talking about how bad immigrants are. And of course not to forget their absolute refusal to end the genocide they were funding and sending Bill fucking Clinton to Michigan to berate Palestinians for caring about their families and friends being killed because they deserve it after Oct 7.
Unionise your workplace and force your bosses to respect your time.