Still wading back into to pool by overriding system settings forcing people to use your browser.
Well, it's not a fake organisation as it exists, just uses the authoritarian play book of being intentionally misnamed.
Can I put ear plugs in first?
Ranked choice will definitely encourage third, fourth, fifth and maybe even a sixth party.
The two party system you have in the US is a stunted version of the party system.
Well it's hard to grasp someone's point when they don't actually articulate it.
Then they should be stealing from the rich. Not killing endangered species.
And at ~ $20000 USD/kg for African and ~400000 USD/kg for Asian, and them not taking the meat. Its definitely for profit and not survival.
They really want to be Texas don't they?
Get a fucking grip.
How is that a whataboutism?
How is questioning the validity of a statement not trying to understand other people's problems?
Not that I trust NatPo, but there isn't any other info (that I have seen) that points to this man being a white supremacist.
This is one of those times where can doesn't mean should.
If someone gets uppity in a bathroom when you are practicing good hygiene, ask them why they don't. And don't let up.
Well, we learned it from somewhere old fuck.