Social pressure. "When are you getting married? When are you having kids?"
For some people, that's enough to push them into doing it.
Social pressure. "When are you getting married? When are you having kids?"
For some people, that's enough to push them into doing it.
You are missing better coworkers, or coworkers who haven't succumbed to the stupid idea that working yourself to the bone for someone else's profit is good.
"Men are hard working" my ass. Taking care of kids is hard work and if they can't understand that, their social conditioning worked exactly as expected.
Roblox isn't so much "a game" but a collection of thousands of player created games (or "experiences" as the company calls them). You can find a bit of everything, from obstacle courses to first person shooters to casinos.
Since Roblox is so heavily targeted at children, it's very easy to find pedophiles or other people with ill intent. Moderation doesn't exist, afaik
Use gun. And if that don't solve it, use more gun.
I wouldn't want my kid to be exposed to that
Better never let your kids use the internet, then
As for the litterbox thing, it was a hoax:
Isn't Luca's dad's name Taban?
So, what's the movie about, anyway?
Men DNI DNI, is that a double negative?
All of them rely on govt way, way more than anyone else. Of course they try to paint themselves as entrepreneurs who pull themselves by the bootstraps without no help from anyone
They were quite prescient, since the Brazilian coup attempt happened on Jan 8th 2023
🏹 Message for you, sir!
Waaaagh is reserved for when the dakka is not enough