
joined 4 months ago

Some probably voted but their vote got thrown out so it didn't count.



OFFENSE: Inciting subversion of state power


[–] 3 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Lol UK wasn't even "left". They murdered Alan Turing for being gay.

Everyone's situation is different, but for me: I'm not white and only have derived citizenship (as opposed to "natural born" citizenship), and my dad is still a Chinese Citizen (because he sucks at English for natualization test). They are already trying to deport Mahmoud Khalil. Can't risk putting a target on my family's back.

CCP is hostile and already tried killing me, theres no going back (not that I have Chinese Citizenship anymore anyways). I could end up stateless and that's not fun.

My only hope is that the fascists are incompetent and elections still exist in the future.

I think protesting is a very brave thing to do, but I also can't blame anyone for not doing so. Its very risky.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

They will themselves become "woke" when they realize they've been asleep for so long.

Maybe stop using "unelected". Most of the cabinet is technically "unelected". Focus on the part where he did not get a senate confirmation.

Like... he must be so unpopular if he can't even get a republican controlled senate to approve him.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Then it would'nt be the European Union, but rather a North Atlantic Democratic Union like NATO, but its not just the military

It will be a crime when they revoke Good Samaritan laws and the US regresses into PRC 2.0 where nobody would help each other anymore because the fear of potential civil and criminal liability (It ain't fun there, I was born there)

Victim of Lead Poisoning

Wait actually, Philly has a lot of lead poisoning but most Philadelphians aren't nazis.

So just nazis then. There is zero excuse.

! is blocked on your instance.

Not Jolly 😾🏴‍☠️


License to fish? License to... RIDE A BIKE? License to... HAVE A DOG/CAT? License to USE A RADIO? (I'm talking about GMRS, AFIAK emergency services do not use GMRS frequencies)

Why is everything a license?

What next? License to exist?

Someday they are gonna require a license to get your own water, or filter your own air (due to pollution).


Its depression btw


Maybe even auto laser-turrets for more epic-ness?

Since we have such a shitshow of a US government, can someone tell the new FAA person to add turrets to planes? Ya know, 'Murica 2nd Amendment and all... 👀

Surely, nothing will ever go wrong with this? Right?


I fucking hate this shit.

Especially when the retailer does it. Like wtf dude, why do they care if its someone spending their money legitimately, or if its stolen, they get money either way. Is this some weird "we stopped fraudsters" PR campaign?

I'm wondering if the "@protonmail" or just non-Google emails they hate.

Btw: fuck Uber for that one time (about a year ago) when they blocked my account when I needed the return-ride. Wtf. Lyft worked fine for the return trip, fucking Uber lol


Example: Intel ME, AMD PSP, and potential backdoor in the "Baseband Processor" in phones...


I just though about Steve Huffman's comment editing shenanigan, and started wondering...

I mean...

Your devices might have backdoors, and even if not, there might be zero day exploits just waiting to be found, or perhaps the government already have them.

The US government could just...

Create a "Antifa PDF", filled with instructions on how to commit terrorism, and all of its contents which are written by the CIA, and the contents are made to be worded to be as violent as possible, then infect every registered Democrat (whose phone numbers are in the voter registration btw) with Pegasus, then inject that PDF into the files.

Then just call tell the FBI to go arrest them. They arrest the people and just "finds" those PDF document. Now they have "proof" of terrorist activities.

And they might even use Pegasus to just fabricate entire phone conversations.

Like, they can:

Create a fake conversation between Democrat A anf Democrat B and fabricate a convincing exchange about them "plotting a terrorist act", use the most violent words possible. Voila, more of those "evidence".

They could just arrest Democrats en masse in swing states.

I mean at this point, they probably could justify Martial Law and there would be zero objections from the military because this would all just "seems legit".

Like, you wanna criticize trump? Boom, random "terrorist looking" PDF document is in your files (done by the CIA).


Have anyone though about this?

Am I just being over paranoid? Perhaps I watch too much movies...


Bruh Samsung, why ye always doing this to me? 😭


I mean, it used to only Apple products. But now Windows is trying to force an online activation (I know theres a bypass CMD command, but still... they could remove it in the future).

Android phones, while do no require "Activation" are arealy trying to nudge you into connecting to the internet and making an account.

Some OEMs are trying to get you to make an account with them.

I could see a future where some OEMs are starting for force you to go online before the device can be used, or just outright done for every Android device if its Google wanting that to happen.

The most popular Drone manufacturer, DJI, requires online activation. Same with the second leading one, Autel. (Cheaper brands don't require them, but those drones suck).

If you want to install a security cameras, most of them will require an app 🤮 (they do know that web-browser interface, such as for routers, exists, right? they could just set up a similar thing for those cameras... oh yea thats right, they want to harvest data, thats why the app). And some, especially those "Ring" types, require an account (I haven't used them, correct me if I'm wrong).

How long before everything is "CONNECT YOUR WIFI" or "DOWNLOAD THE APP".

Like what next? Do car makers just get rid of the fob all together and be like "DOWNLOAD APP" and use that to open doors and ignition? House door being "Use the App to unlock door"?


(Are be going towards a technological dystopia?)


(Oh btw, cars now have this GPS thing. Dealers getting excited like "DOWNLOAD OUR APP" to instantly track your car's location, and know the tire pressures and everything, and remote start. I'm like... all that is available through an app?... seems like a security/privacy nightmare. Whats stops a crazy ex from knowing where you are? I don't even drive btw, was with parents at the dealership to translate, parents did not seem worried about the privacy concerns... 🤷‍♂️)

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