And what is the problem with that? Dont like it? Block it and move on... I dont like a lot of things i see and im not whining like a baby about it, i ignore and move on. Grow up
They will probably will get bought by a chinese company or Microsoft
I love this ahahah <3
People who use it for business need to start think twice, imagine you saw your stats numbers and think you reach (example) 10000 people and 90% of them are bots but you paid for that 10000, worst is that you may think that your product is bullshit because of the success sales convertion its very low but bots dont buy products so either you have the info of how many bots have seen the add or you need to leave social media because its impossible to read that data to make decisions
Because people off Reddit hate everything that its not reddit
People need to stop blaming voters, we all need to start understand why this happen more and more in the world and not judge the voters for their decision. I have some theories but its not the time or place, but stop say "people are dumb" or "People need educations"... 100 million people cant be all dumb or uneducated, go deeper!
She is a keeper
Why would some one do this? Wikipedia its a mark in internet history
"value the well-being of humans" that is a subjective thing thats why there is this kind of conflits, just because you think you are defending the world with no cape that doesnt mean you are right and the contraditory is not true as well. What i mean is that they have different views and there are not a good or bad view, they are different, so no you cannot say that you are right and the other is wrong. Just move on