The mining industry launched a war of words on the Federal Government, an absurd move considering its minuscule contribution to the economy.

[-] Joshi@aussie.zone 16 points 1 week ago

The idea that capitalism and liberal representative (I refuse to use the word democratic) government are the only viable option are so ingrained. It makes it difficult to engage anyone in serious discussion of alternatives.

What I do is point out injustice when you come across it and suggest a socialist solution. Don't mention socialism, talk about unions, worker ownership, workplace democracy, social housing, structural injustice.

If you get pushback I will say something like "I feel like our political system is so focused on capitalist solutions that often good sensible policies don't get considered"

With people you interact with frequently this approach will usually, over time, result in them no longer thinking you're a crackpot and often soften them up for a more detailed discussion in which you can discuss revolutionary change.

This is the best I have been able to do. Interested to see other responses.

[-] Joshi@aussie.zone 11 points 2 weeks ago

Wondering if you read the linked article which presents evidence that this has changed?

[-] Joshi@aussie.zone 10 points 2 weeks ago

Gittins kind of leaves us hanging for a conclusion here. Governments can't be afraid of actually providing a service, the idea that leaving things to the market is automatically efficient is a myth.


Governments can’t wave around the cash and create out of thin air a “market” that has any of the self-controlling properties described in economics textbooks.

[-] Joshi@aussie.zone 17 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

100% agree!

As an addition to this I firmly believe medical marijuana is a phase.

Now I've made people angry here's the nuance.

CBD/THC combinations certainly have a role in some patients with chronic pain, especially where it's use can avoid or reduce the use of opioids.

There are clear specific uses such as intractable epilepsy where it is clearly the best treatment. It is effective for glaucoma but there are better treatments available.

I'm highly suspicious of marijuana having any role in mental health and there are, in my opinion, no convincing studies published showing that it is useful at all despite the fact that large studies have been done and presumably file-drawed.

The idea that smoking is an appropriate delivery method for a medication when other methods are available is insane. Very few things are as bad as tobacco smoke but inhaling smoke is bad for you.

My prediction is that in 20 years we will have cannabis derivatives in capsules that fulfil the specific purposes and the idea that any doctor prescribed marijuana to smoke will seem insane to younger doctors.

[-] Joshi@aussie.zone 7 points 2 weeks ago

A bicameral legislature, one house elected by mixed member proportional system and the other selected at random from the voting age population. Legislation must pass both houses, if it passed one house but not the other it can go to referendum at the same time as the next general election.

You can also have things like citizen initiated referenda. Campaign finance laws similar to those in the UK are also desirable.

[-] Joshi@aussie.zone 8 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

No. This sort of arrogant rubbish needs to be shut down.

In my job - a doctor - I routinely discuss difficult and complex topics with people of all backgrounds and education levels. With very few exceptions people are able to understand difficult topics.

It is my experience that the most difficult people to work with are not ordinary people but those who hold the opinion that everyone else is stupid.

With very few exceptions sortition and participatory democracy have worked well whenever they've been tried.

[-] Joshi@aussie.zone 8 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Australian doctor here, certainly in Australia There are dozens of jobs for nurses that require minimal or no patient contact.

Things like administration and management would usually require at least a reasonable amount of experience but clinic work is very different to hospital work.

My own fiance works in infection control which is a lot of reviewing charts, advising ward staff on isolation protocol, ensuring staff vaccinations are up to date.

Just quit nursing is a little otp.


Quiggin with some interesting thoughts on cost of living.


Just in case anyone here still thinks nuclear is viable.

[-] Joshi@aussie.zone 51 points 3 months ago

I'm by no means an expert but I was briefly obsessed with comparative religion over a decade ago and I don't think anyone has given a great answer, I believe my answer is correct but I don't have time for research beyond checking a couple of details.

As a few people have mentioned there is little physical evidence for even the most notable individuals from that time period and it's not reasonable to expect any for Jesus.

In terms of literary evidence there is exactly 1 historian who is roughly contemporary and mentions Jesus. Antiquities of the Jews by Josephus mentions him twice, once briefly telling the story of his crucifixion and resurrection. The second is a mention in passing when discussing the brother of Jesus delivering criminals to be stoned.

I think it is reasonable to conclude that a Jewish spiritual leader with a name something like Jesus Christ probably existed and that not long after his death miracles are being attributed to him.

It is also worth noting the historical context of the recent emergence of Rabbinical Judaism and the overabundance of other leaders who were claimed to be Messiahs, many of whom we also know about primarily(actually I think only) from Josephus.

[-] Joshi@aussie.zone 7 points 4 months ago

Reminder me of this

"What to do if you find yourself stuck with no hope of rescue: Consider yourself lucky that life has been good to you so far. Alternatively, if life hasn't been good to you so far - which, given your present circumstances, seems more likely - consider yourself lucky that it won't be troubling you much longer." Douglas Adams

[-] Joshi@aussie.zone 15 points 4 months ago

If you don't have time to do something right what makes you think you have time to do it twice?

Respect other people's time. When dealing with a busy person in a professional context;

  • Emails should be as short as possible while still conveying the needed information, don't make a busy person excavate the relevant info from somewhere near the middle of the fifth paragraph.
  • Whenever possible phrase a question in a way that can be answered in one word.
[-] Joshi@aussie.zone 12 points 5 months ago

So "Climate neutral" means not net zero and therefore not climate neutral. Is there nuance I'm missing?

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